View Full Version : C-SPAN now.... violent crime...

12-23-2009, 07:23 AM
claimed - violent crime - once every 23 seconds - lets call it 30 sec to make the math easy.

Murder, once every 30 muniutes.

violent crime - that's roughly 1:200 ppl pevery year
murder - that is roughly 1:600 every year. So if you live 60 years on average, 1:10 of your friends should have been murdered during their lifetimes....

Is my math off or is this guy full of shit?

Hmm - I'm really questioning my math - but it still seems really high!

Yeah - maybe that should be one in 100 of your friends and aquatences murdered during their lifetimes.


12-23-2009, 07:37 AM
Whoopie - 1:600 US citizens are in prison for a drug offence!

ain't that great! :rolleyes:
