View Full Version : Discussion on other forums

10-04-2007, 08:23 AM
With the 5 mil news, and the business technology websites piece on Ron Paul asking us:


The writer asks the following question:

What is it about the campaign that makes you feel so engaged? And are there any lessons here for how to use the Internet?

My answer:

I’ve been a fan of Ron Paul for years. I have been emailing his congressional offices at irregular intervals, BEGGING Dr. Paul to join this race. What is special about Dr. Paul is something that the other candidates cannot duplicate - honesty, integrity and a sincere desire to help America. You cannot find those qualities in many other candidates and the ones you DO find them in aren’t talking about returning to our constitutional principles and smaller government and they don’t have the voting record to back it up.
If the GOP wants to defeat Hillary in 2008, they had better pay attention (and right now). Ron Paul outflanks Hillary on the war (she voted for it and he didn’t) and he outflanks her on border security as well. Other candidates are beginning to mouth the word “constitution” in their speeches but their use of it is devoid of emotion or believability. If the GOP wants to know (and if you do as well) what lies behind this phenomenon - look to the message, then look to the man, then look to the record. It is the perfect storm (if you will) of a man with integrity, delivering a message that people are ready to hear, with the record to back up what he says.
Finally, listen to him speak. His words come from the heart - not a speechwriter. He beliefs come from his soul - not a daily poll. The GOP cannot duplicate his success but they CAN take advantage of it by backing him.

So, I decided to start posting on the forums of other candidates (get banned or not). I think if we post politely and in proper places (most forums have a general area), we should really hit them.