View Full Version : Need some help on editing an op-ed piece

10-04-2007, 07:37 AM

With the idiocy of our current state goverment's lovely 11% income tax hike http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071002/METRO/710020402/1022/POLITICS , Ron Paul's message of cutting fed income tax levels should ring home.

Here's my start of one. Please help clean it up! Thanks!

Title: State tax increase - You think that's bad wait until 2009
Thank you so very much, Michigan congress and our governor. Not only have you given us the largest tax increase in history, your seemingly random selection of the 6% sales tax to businesses will drive out what is left of our business base (except those special interests that magically avoided the new tax). But wait there's more! If we get a democratic president elected in 2008, all those lovely social programs they are so fond of will be paid for by .. you guessed it .. tax increases! Oh wait, you say you are voting republican? Well then how will we pay for the Iraq war, and our ever increasing national debt, which is now 9 TRILLION DOLLARS! By raising TAXES! There is ONLY ONE candidate that actually wants to reduce the size of the government, enabling the elimination of the IRS and alowing YOU to STOP PAYING FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Did you know that only 1/3rd of the federal budget comes from personal income tax? eliminating federal income tax would give EVERY working Michigander a 20-30% pay raise! Don't you think that would help the state economy? You need to vote for Ron Paul in the republican primary or expect more taxes in your not-so-distant future