View Full Version : What is a Conservative?

Working Poor
12-07-2009, 12:05 PM
I have gotten into a discussion in another on what is conservatism. I need ya'll to come help me beat this one guy up who thinks he knows what conservatism is. Here is a link to the thread @ Hip Forums:


Oh I am YoMama at hip forums

12-07-2009, 12:41 PM
conserve = to maintain for the present that from the past, similar to the term "preserve" whereas this is to maintain for the future that from the present

conservative = one who conserves, it means nothing about an ideology other than what is traditionally ascribed to it. Since what is ascribed to it constantly changes, it means nothing tangible.

conservatism = In politics, one who advocates old ideas. Which old ideas? Slavery or liberty? Depends on what is ascribed to it. The term is an empty vessel whose contents can be expelled and refilled with whatever substance is politically palatable at the time. Traditionally, it means to conserve the old ideas of liberty and republicanism.