View Full Version : Corruption on the Federal level corrupts the local level

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
12-03-2009, 01:51 PM
When taking some time to meditate on the matter, the ideal of deadbeat fathers is just as absurd as deadbeat mothers. And, certainly, if a man or woman is blessed with lots of money, that alone doesn't make him or her a responsible parent just because he or she can afford to be so.
The local level rots only after it has first rotted on the Federal level; or, to put it in other words, before the deadbeat designation was pinned on individual fathers in the local courts, the Federal government being naturally blameless has long neglected this nation's posteriety.
Simply put, we allow the pimps to work the local streets unabated much like we allow our Federal government to work the world in much the same fashion. If one truly wants to get rid of war, then stop the pimping and whoring taking place on the Federal level.
We need to shut down the Federal government. We have become addicted to its counterfeit. While such mindless printing of money once stimulated us on the local level, we are now turning to it like crack addicts to keep the pain away. In order to get off this stuff sold to us by Federal pushers, we need to suffer pain. This is the best and quickest way to solve our problems.
As we reward members on the local level by buying the things they invented with the intentions of making us happy, we lobby against ourselves on the Federal level in the name of responsibility -- we have to buy our American cars because doing so is, somehow, in our best interest.
We don't need anyone taking care of our best interest for such has already been declared self evident and unalienable by our Christian Founding Fathers.