View Full Version : Ron Paul goes mainstream, Ben Bernanke goes berserk!

12-01-2009, 11:38 AM
Ron Paul goes mainstream, Ben Bernanke goes berserk!
By Brent Budowsky - 12/01/09 10:55 AM ET

This may be the greatest show on earth: Texas Rep. Ron Paul (R) is picking up major bipartisan support for his proposal to audit the Federal Reserve Board, and as this happens, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke is showing signs of near-panic at the prospect of being audited.

As liberal Democrats increasingly join with conservative Republicans in Paul's move to audit the Fed, Bernanke has been churning out speeches, op-eds and interviews warning of Armageddon if this occurs.

It is interesting how the Federal Reserve Board, long the champion of fiscal and monetary prudence when others spend money, has declared war on the idea that anyone should account for how the Fed spends money.

Think about it: In the largest bailout in history, neither the public nor members of Congress can even make an intelligent estimate of how much money the Fed has actually spent, or exactly how it is being spent, or exactly who are the major beneficiaries of much of the spending. We know taxpayers, consumers and jobless workers are not the beneficiaries, but we don’t even remotely know the full story of exactly which institutions benefit from exactly which programs.

The stakes are very high, and as this battle unfolds it will continue to be the greatest show on earth, and one of the most important.


12-01-2009, 11:51 AM

12-01-2009, 12:19 PM
ditto with that Wooot!

12-01-2009, 01:12 PM
Actually, one of the most encouraging signs in this mess that we're in today is that the Fed seems to be genuinely worried about the prospect of an audit. The bodies must be stacked high and deep.

12-01-2009, 01:13 PM
makes my day :)

12-01-2009, 02:09 PM
I still have my concerns about it actually making it, but we really need to realize and appreciate how HUGE this could be. Getting HR1207 passed is the second best thing to a Ron Paul Presidency, IMO. The pile of shit that will come out, and the backpedaling from the bankers and their congressional whores will be priceless, we might even witness the undoing of the central bank!

12-01-2009, 02:19 PM
This all makes me feel a little (okay, more than a little) off balance. I'd gotten used to the idea of being the defender of the nutjob and the criticizer of the sacred. Now the nutjob is going mainstream and the sacred is cracking. What the hell mirror did I just fall through?
I visited a story about Ron Paul in a mainstream source and the comments section included none of the following words:
-tinfoil hat
-gonna get us all killed
My cynicism hadn't really allowed me to even entertain the idea that any of this was possible and now I have to deal with this new emotion: guarded (okay, very guarded) optimism.
Could this be the "hope" that Obama was talking about?