View Full Version : Tea Party Co-Founder Blasts Mainstream GOP Imitators

11-30-2009, 05:32 AM
In 2007, the modern tea party movement took shape, in a vastly different form than it now presents itself. Spurred by an impending recession, a government overrun by deception and corruption, and an unprecedented expansion of government under eight years of “conservative” leadership, the first modern day tea partiers had positive causes of action: honesty, respect for the rule of law, and protection of the rights of the smallest minority; the individual.

In late 2007, on the anniversary of the original Boston Tea Party, positive protestors laid hope in a solution. In a 24 hours period, in concert with symbolic and peaceful re-enactments of the Boston Tea Party in over 50 cities across the country, energetic tea partiers dumped over 5.2 million dollars into a long-shot presidential campaign to support a candidate that embodied honesty, respect, and sincerity in the pursuit strict constitutional leadership. The goal: to entrust our highest office to a man of principles, who would be shackled by a devotion to the constitution, rather than obligations to special interests.

I am proud to have been a participant in that tea party. In witnessing the tens of thousands of “patriots” that peacefully marched through the streets and donated extravagantly to a candidate relegated to a status of “darkhorse” by the mainstream, my respect turned to passion. I was convinced that the average American was beginning to see through the veil of scripted partisan sermons, designed to coddle fears and perpetuate the superficial battle between a “left” and “right”.

Over the next year, I harvested an addiction to contrarianism. An incessant hunger for serious political debate, fueled by coffee, cigarettes and eighteen-hour workdays changed my world. I was a dark-horse political enthusiast, with blinders on.

Then, in mid-February of 2009, Rick Santelli gave a now infamous rant on CNBC, calling for a modern day “tea party” in July. Immediately, my business partner and I set up on online tea party website. Within days, we received tens of thousands of e-mails and passionate pleas for government accountability. Our vision was to change the political debate focused on general divisions to one centered on specific solutions. We asked our supporters to question party-line politicians and demand that our leaders take a more independent and reasoned stance on the issues facing our country.


11-30-2009, 10:06 AM
It pisses me off to no end, that when I speak politically about individual liberty or the fraudulent financial system I get people quipping back, "what, you get that from Glenn Beck? Haha. Beck is an idiot."

Thankfully, I can make the other person look stupid by countering that both Republicans and Democrats operate with faulty economic ideologies (Keynesianism and Monetarism) which is the origin of my distaste. With thoroughly confused faces, I can then proceed to talk about both democrat and republican military imperialism, the growing gap between rich and poor (caused by inflation) and other populist issues from an Austrian perspective.

The way to counter these negative associations is through education. Learn about the economic ideology that underpins both liberal and republican talking points. If you can strip it down to that, you don't have to fall victim to making partisan remarks about either side. This takes away from your opposition's ability to counter with the usual, "well xxx were worse!"

Only those who are uneducated can feed the stereotype they are trying to create at Fox news.

Matt Collins
11-30-2009, 11:57 PM
I think I'm going to send this out to all of the Republican leadership that voted to kick me out last week.