View Full Version : A 25,000 "Donation" to the US Treasury

11-21-2009, 06:36 AM
Arthur Delaney
arthur@huffingtonpost.com | HuffPost Reporting
CREW Files FEC Complaint Over Landrieu's $23,500 'Donation' To The U.S. Treasury

First Posted: 11-20-09 12:17 PM | Updated: 11-20-09 01:09 PM


The watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commision over a mysterious $25,300 "donation" to the U.S. Treasury by Senator Mary Landrieu's campaign committee. The Louisiana Democrat's campaign made no announcement when it donated the funds in August 2008.

"We all know politicians don't give up campaign contributions -- much less $25,000 -- without a very good reason," said CREW executive director Melanie Sloan in a statement. "It appears Sen. Landrieu's reason may have been to avoid a scandal or, even worse, a federal investigation into some of her contributions."

Marc Elias, a lawyer for Landrieu's campaign, wrote in an e-mail to the Huffington Post: "This is a silly complaint. Unfortunately FEC rules don't prevent frivolous complaints; nonetheless, it will ultimately be dismissed."

CREW first noticed the donation and wondered if it had something to do with an ongoing inquiry by the Senate Ethics Committee. The committee was investigating whether Landrieu violated Senate rules when she sought $2 million in earmarks for a company whose executives donated $30,000 to her campaign.

Elias emphatically told the Huffington Post last week that the donated funds had nothing to do with the investigation. But that was all he would say.

"When questioned about the expenditure by the press," the complaint says, "a lawyer for the campaign refused to explain why the campaign disgorged the funds to the Treasury, stating only the contributors 'are private citizens who in most instances may not have done anything wrong.'"

The complaint cites regulations that forbid campaigns from donating dirty money to the Treasury unless the contributor is under criminal investigation, indictment, or has been convicted. By not giving the $25,300 back to whoever contributed it, CREW says Landrieu's campaign broke the law.

Last week, almost two years after CREW filed its complaint over the $2 million earmark, the ethics committee cleared Landrieu of wrongdoing.

Landrieu's campaign will have 15 days to respond to the complaint after the FEC provides its formal notification.


11-21-2009, 06:58 AM
If we really cared about the looming financial meltdown of the United States, we'd try to repay our debt by donating to the treasury. Cutting spending is only half the solution. The responsible citizen would pay more than their fair share (sure, you could argue we don't really "owe" it, but isn't that holding onto bitter feelings of the past instead of trying to actually solve the problem?), and then donate to the treasury dep't as Ron Paul does... and wear a US flag lapel pin to inspire national pride, perhaps only for the sake of putting others in a delusionally-good mood. Wasn't it also Ron Paul who stated the best way to convert others to our way of thinking is to lead by example? Worked for the Communists... until the Trots were purged.

Oh -- but the potential campaign finance scandal is.... potentially scandalous!

11-21-2009, 03:26 PM

And she was one of two who folded today, and will vote to bring out the health care bill tonight. They now have their 60 votes. LA gets 100M in the health care bill. Why are they more special than the other 49 States?

This bill is bought and paid for at our expense.