View Full Version : Senate Public Option Scoreboard

11-17-2009, 07:24 AM

TWI’s ever-evolving Senate Public Option Scoreboard features some new and important data to help you keep track of the latest developments in the health care debate. In addition to every senator’s stance on the public option, the Scoreboard now displays the percentage of people in each senator’s home state who lack health insurance, according to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data. We’ve also included state-by-state polling data on the public option, where available. And of course we continue to update the Scoreboard with the latest quotes — and changes of heart — from every senator.

The latest tally on the public option in the Senate: 50 likely supporters and 40 likely opponents, with 10 members — all in the Democratic caucus, and all necessary “yes” votes to overcome a filibuster — on the fence.


11-17-2009, 10:00 AM
Added it to my site.