View Full Version : Lindsey Williams Interview

11-05-2009, 10:54 PM
Don't know if anyone has posted this but I thought it might be good for comments and food for thought.

Lindsey Williams Interview
Pastor Lindsey Williams was a chaplain on the Alaska pipeline back in the 1970's. During that time, the oil executives allowed him to sit in on the board meetings, and he became friends with one of the powerful men on the board.

There he learned about the contrived energy crisis and how they are able to manipulate oil prices and politicians. He began to speak out on the subject to warn Americans. Last year his friend from the board meetings called to tell him that he had crossed the line in revealing too much, and that his life was literally in danger. Lindsey asked where the line was, and voluntarily complied with the request, and so probably saved his life and the life of his family.

Lindsey said in a video of June 2008 that oil prices were going to drop to $50/barrel. This was while oil prices were still skyrocketing on their way up to $147/barrel. People thought he was surely wrong, but he turned out to be quite correct. He also said that within a year and a half there would be severe economic problems.

More recently, he picked up the phone and called his old friend ("over 85" now), to ask him about recent developments. The man was friendly and more open. He told him that because the American people were so compliant (and stupid) a year ago, allowing the transfer of 2-1/2 trillion dollars from the poor taxpayers to the wealthy but hidden rulers of America, they had realized that they had extra time to execute their plans.

And so the time line was extended another two years to 2012. Here are some quotes from a talk-radio interview:

"Within two years, you will not recognize America.. After two years you [all the ordinary Americans] will be so poor, you won't be able to do anything [to revolt or to stop us]. Within two years almost everyone will be working for the government."

This is a big part of the bail-out program. Any corporation that is bailed out becomes a government corporation. The first to be taken over were the big banks, and from then on, all the smaller banks that are taken over by the government regulators are sold to the big banks that the government has already taken over. The goal is to whittle it down to just 9 large banks in America, all controlled by the government.

The Health Care bill ensures that every health care worker in America will be a government employee, with salaries dictated by the government.

"Crude oil prices will not go up drastically, but will follow the price of the dollar."

In other words, as the dollar drops in value, the price of oil will go up naturally, but not as the result of direct manipulation. Hence, the $50/barrel oil is now at $80, because the dollar has dropped in value.

"Gold and silver are all you can rely on."

It is the only thing that the elite use. It is their real currency. Anyone stuck with paper dollars or dollar bank accounts will suffer gradual loss for the next two years, followed by catastrophic loss.

"By 2012 the dollar will be dead."

Oil has been the primary reason for the dollar's position as the world currency. OPEC has now decided to get rid of the dollar and go with a "basket of currencies." This will gradually erode the dollar as this new policy is put into place, and at some point the dollar will die completely.

The man was also upset that the Fed was buying up Treasury bills to fund the national debt. He said that they cannot do this forever.

"When this ends, the dollar will collapse."

"War is planned after two years. It will begin in the Middle East. The price of oil will then skyrocket overnight, as the dollar collapses."

Back in 2008, the man had told Lindsey that "we don't want war with Iran." However, this plan seems to be changing, because he said,

"Most likely the war will begin at Iran. It will take place about two years from now, and it will spread to the rest of the world."

Let me interject a thought of my own here. . . In the radio interview, Lindsey said that he had put together 3 video presentations at a studio in Kansas City. The manager was interested and was listening. At one point, however, he stopped the video and told Lindsey that they could not record a particular piece of information because it was too dangerous. So they cut that part out. The videos are being offered by the Prophecy Club, which is very pro-Zionist. In that Lindsey said absolutely nothing in the radio interview about the Jewish state, which I find incredible, I tend to think that the dangerous information had to do with the destruction of the Jewish state.

Lindsey then said that his old friend spoke of the "Devil's Messiah," not a man but a system. He said that the elite have worked to take away America's God, because they believe that this is the only way that they can conquer the nation.

This, of course, follows the overall plan that Albert Pike advocated back in an 1871 letter to Mazzini, head of the Illuminati after the death of Weishaupt. He wrote of two world wars that must be fought to position a Jewish state in the Middle East. That, in turn, would provoke the third and final World War to eliminate Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all at once. He wrote,

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction…will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

You may listen to the 60-minute radio interview for yourself at:


11-05-2009, 11:12 PM
That is some scary shit.

11-05-2009, 11:18 PM

11-05-2009, 11:33 PM
YouTube - predictions2009-lyndsey williams (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnL-s1-yWf0)

11-06-2009, 01:39 PM
People latch on to the one thing he got lucky on and got right (oil going to $50) and ignore all the other things he got wrong. Iran was said to be going to become "one of the richest countries on Earth". The $50 a barrel oil was supposed to bankrupt OPEC and the Middle East within weeks (that occured a year ago- hitting $50 and they are still nowhere near bankrupt) and to keep the price of oil there, there was supposed to be tons of oil released from Indonesia (an oil importer, not exporter) and "north of Russia" where there are no oil fields currently in production. Even in his latest video he says oil will stay around $50 while it is near $80 now. He said last time that if he kept talking about things he would "end up like Kennedy" (ie be killed) yet he is back for a new round of selling his DVDs. He said we would be in hyperinflation by October 2009 as recently as earlier this year. And as for the election, "John McCain is their man."

In his first video he named two places in Alaska which supposed had "more oil than Saudi Arabia". One of those locations is Gull Island- within Prudhoe Bay which only is reported to have some 30 billion barrels and has been in decline since 1995. Saudi Arabia reports some 200 billion barrels. He said Alaska has enough oil to last the US for 200 years but at 7 billion barrels a year that would be a more than all the proven reserves in the entire world.

He has no special, secret inside information. Either that or his "insiders" have no real power.

11-06-2009, 01:48 PM
The DVD is broken up into 3 disks. The first disk is called "Tragedy" the second is called "Hope" and the third is called "Reality". I'm almost done with the first disk, I plan to watch them all. They are all on youtube. So far, very interesting.

He has no special, secret inside information. Either that or his "insiders" have no real power.

Bologna. First of all, I don't recall this prediction you mentioned about Iran becoming wealthy. Not only that, he explains all of this in the DVD and even says that the people who are telling him things could be lying, and that they DO NOT in fact have ultimate power, but to say they "have no real power" is pretty ridiculous when they clearly brought the price of oil from $147/barrel to under $50/barrel, and this is a big piece of the puzzle regarding future predictions.

It should be mentioned that he is only communicating with a faction of the elite. The faction he is communicating with is the big oil faction, and they supported McCain. There are plenty of elites who supported Obama, Williams doesn't seem to acknowledge this as the person he gets his information from does not go into detail about the factions that I'm aware of.

Yes, take the info with a grain of salt.. It's JUST what they are planning. Ignore it at your OWN PERIL.

11-06-2009, 01:53 PM
[QUOTE=dannno;2401134]The DVD is broken up into 3 disks. The first disk is called "Tragedy" the second is called "Hope" and the third is called "Reality". I'm almost done with the first disk, I plan to watch them all. They are all on youtube. So far, very interesting.

Do you have the link? What's the name of the DVD set? I'd like to look for a torrent of them.

11-06-2009, 01:57 PM
Do you have the link? What's the name of the DVD set? I'd like to look for a torrent of them.

Plenty of torrents:

(note to mods: Lindsey Williams says in the DVD that it is NOT copyrighted and feel free to make copies and distribute...cause obviously he's just out to make money, right zippy?)

http://www.google.com/search?q=lindsey+williams+tragedy+hope+reality+tor rent&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

11-06-2009, 03:05 PM
Bologna. First of all, I don't recall this prediction you mentioned about Iran becoming wealthy. Not only that, he explains all of this in the DVD and even says that the people who are telling him things could be lying, and that they DO NOT in fact have ultimate power, but to say they "have no real power" is pretty ridiculous when they clearly brought the price of oil from $147/barrel to under $50/barrel, and this is a big piece of the puzzle regarding future predictions.

It should be mentioned that he is only communicating with a faction of the elite. The faction he is communicating with is the big oil faction, and they supported McCain. There are plenty of elites who supported Obama, Williams doesn't seem to acknowledge this as the person he gets his information from does not go into detail about the factions that I'm aware of.

Yes, take the info with a grain of salt.. It's JUST what they are planning. Ignore it at your OWN PERIL.

Iran being in danger of becoming one of the "richest nations on Earth" was one of the reasons he gave for the "elite" wanting to bring down the price of oil to $50- they wanted to bankrupt them along with OPEC and the Middle East. He repeated in in many of his interviews back around April. Oil hitting $50 was supposed to bankrupt the Middle East in a few weeks. That was a year ago it hit $50.

Where is the 200 years worth of oil in Alaska- as I point out, that would require more than all the currently reported reserves of all the countries in the entire world today. Alaska has more oil than the rest of the entire world? Alaska has two fields with as much oil as all of Saudi Arabia (their largest field is over 200 miles long- one of the fields he cites is at Gull Island which is within Prudhoe Bay and its estimated 10 billion barrels of recoverable oil- nowhere near the 200+ billion of Saudi Arabia.

Where is the oil in Indonesia which is supposed to be used to bring oil down to $50 and keep it there? Since it has risen to $80 shouldn't they be starting to up supplies to keep the price down? Indonesia is a net oil importer and surely could use the revenue that oil exports could provide. They used to be a net oil exporter but are not anymore. Where is the oil "north of Russia"- his other source of $50 oil? There are no fields in production there (they are starting on the first exploratory well there)? Even if that exploratory well is successful, it will be several years before there is any oil production from the area. If his connections are experts in the oil industry, why are they wrong on the oil issue?


Arctic Prospective Resources
See also: Petroleum exploration in the Arctic

Location of Arctic Basins assessed by the USGSA 2008 United States Geological Survey estimates that areas north of the Arctic Circle have 90 billion barrels (1.4×1010 m3) of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil (and 44 billion barrels (7.0×109 m3) of natural gas liquids ) in 25 geologically defined areas thought to have potential for petroleum. This represented 13% of the expected undiscovered oil in the world. Of the estimated totals, more than half of the undiscovered oil resources were estimated to occur in just three geologic provinces – Arctic Alaska, the Amerasia Basin, and the East Greenland Rift Basins. More than 70% of the mean undiscovered oil resources was estimated to occur in five provinces: Arctic Alaska, Amerasia Basin, East Greenland Rift Basins, East Barents Basins, and West Greenland–East Canada. It was further estimated that approximately 84% of the oil and gas would occur offshore. The USGS did not consider economic factors such as the effects of permanent sea ice or oceanic water depth in its assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. This assessment was lower than a 2000 survey, which had included lands south of the arctic circle.[25][26][27]

11-06-2009, 03:07 PM
Plans change sometimes.
The goals appear to be the same.

11-06-2009, 03:10 PM
Do you have the link? What's the name of the DVD set? I'd like to look for a torrent of them.

