View Full Version : The Hill [blog]: "The winner of the 2009 elections is Ron Paul!"

11-04-2009, 10:57 PM
Paul embodies the anti-Washington, anti-tax, anti-big government, anti-financial insiderism viewpoints that are galvanizing large numbers of activists and voters. It is not a majority, but a majority has never been Ron Paul's goal. Paul is a conviction politician, an idea man, an advocate and a change agent.



11-05-2009, 01:58 PM
Lots of positive comments, I left this

Nice article, but you did not mention the anti-war, anti- torture, keep the Fed-Gov the hell out of our bedrooms and wallets part of our platform. We in the r3VOLution have been saddened seeing the lefts disappearance from the anti-unjust war front. Except for a few principled people, of course…


11-05-2009, 04:11 PM
Nice article, but you did not mention the anti-war, anti- torture, keep the Fed-Gov the hell out of our bedrooms and wallets part of our platform.

They did say "anti-big government". I'd say "keep the government the hell out of our bedrooms" is part of that. And "anti-tax" -> wallets. But yeah, anti-war and anti-torture. Heh.

Dr. Paul isn't anti-Washington, though. Just anti-bureaucrat.