View Full Version : Debra on how to stop the Federal Gov.

10-30-2009, 01:30 PM
This is why I love Debra Medina as a candidate for governor, as she actually has a plan to take on the federal government and force it to operate within the bounds of what the US Constitution allows.

From her campaign website (Wednesday):

"State Sovereignty
by Debra Medina on Oct 28, 2009

We must demand that our elected officials support and respect the 10th amendment and Texas sovereignty. The U.S. Constitution not only protects citizens' freedoms in the Bill of Rights, it also divides power between the federal and state governments and ultimately reserves final authority for the people themselves. Texas must stop the over reaching federal government and nullify federal mandates in agriculture, energy, education, healthcare, industry, and any other areas D.C. is not granted authority by Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.

Early in our history, many argued against forming a union fearing that the federal government would gain too much power over the state. Thomas Jefferson reassured the states that that could never happen. The states, he said, being sovereign and independent, have the "unquestionable right to judge of the infraction." It is our right as a state. It is our duty as a state to recognize when Washington D.C. is stepping outside its constitutional bounds. Jefferson further commented that nullification by the states of all unauthorized acts is the rightful remedy.

The Constitution of the United States is a contract between "We the People" to form a limited federal government composed of sovereign states. It creates a republican form of government. Any power not expressly granted to the federal government is reserved for the states and for the people. Like any party to a contract, Texas must stand up and push back against any attempts to abuse the Constitution or abuse the inalienable rights granted by our Creator.

We must use the tools of nullification and interposition aggressively if we are going to restore state sovereignty in Texas, if we are going to secure for all Texans a freedom to work and prosper as we choose and as we direct. As individuals, as parents, as families, and as Texans we must be courageous enough to say NO when Washington oversteps its bounds. We Texans have always believed that the individual and the family are the foundation of America's greatness. We Texans know what's best for our families. We know best how to manage our lives, we know best how to raise our children, and we know best how to spend our money.

By asserting her Constitutional sovereignty, Texas can protect her citizens and provide them the opportunity to succeed. Governor Perry and Senator Hutchison have done nothing to stop the overreach of Washington D.C. In fact, I would argue that they have pursued Washington's intervention and assistance making Texas not only more dependent but subservient to the federal government. As Governor, I will uphold my oath to defend and protect the U.S. Constitution. I will fight back against federal laws that unconstitutionally interfere with the lives of Texans. Texans know best how to manage our own families and our businesses. When I become governor, Texas will lead the nation in declaring sovereignty for the people.

Texas can lead. Texas will lead."


10-30-2009, 01:34 PM

11-07-2009, 10:30 PM
I just got done watching that treasonous House of Representatives light another huge chunk of the Constitution on fire and I'm more pissed than words can describe.

Although I will understand why she won't if she doesn't... If Debra chooses to make fighting back against the unconstitutional power-grabbing of the federal government via nullification and interposition the central focus of her campaign for governor... I will put all the non work/family aspects of my life on hold until next spring in order to campaign/give speeches/knock on doors or do whatever else it takes in order for her to win.

11-07-2009, 10:34 PM
Yeah she f'n ROCKS! I actually heard her name on the local country station in Austin this past week. The guy who called in talked about how she would try to get rid of property taxes! ROCK! The hosts hadn't ever heard of Debra. She's polling 7% now! I'm so totally voting for her! :D

11-08-2009, 10:13 AM
By asserting her Constitutional sovereignty, Texas can protect her citizens and provide them the opportunity to succeed.

I wonder how many people will be skimming this and read "the opportunity to succeed" as the "opportunity to secede?"

Granted, this could be intentional. If so, poorly played, imo.

Governor Perry and Senator Hutchison have done nothing to stop the overreach of Washington D.C. In fact, I would argue that they have pursued Washington's intervention and assistance making Texas not only more dependent but subservient to the federal government.

This hits the reader from out of the blue. It feels like a rant or (worse) merely rambling. What we're presenting here is "the problem," which is great except that it is presented where "the solution" should be.

I will fight back against federal laws that unconstitutionally interfere with the lives of Texans. Texans know best how to manage our own families and our businesses. When I become governor, Texas will lead the nation in declaring sovereignty for the people.

Texas can lead. Texas will lead.

This piece lent itself well to a "call to arms," however it failed to deliver in that regard. When she is closing these pieces out, rather than reading "I will... when I, Texans," we need to be reading "You... you... You... You..."

Disclaimer: please don't take this as anything other than friendly advice. thanks.

11-08-2009, 10:16 AM
I wonder how many people will be skimming this and read "the opportunity to succeed" as the "opportunity to secede?"

Granted, this could be intentional. If so, poorly played, imo.

This hits the reader from out of the blue. It feels like a rant or (worse) merely rambling. What we're presenting here is "the problem," which is great except that it is presented where "the solution" should be.

This piece lent itself well to a "call to arms," however it failed to deliver in that regard. When she is closing these pieces out, rather than reading "I will... when I, Texans," we need to be reading "You... you... You... You..."

Disclaimer: please don't take this as anything other than friendly advice. thanks.

friendly advice is graciously accepted. i would email the campaign. They are open to these kind of things.