View Full Version : Ron Paul VS. Michael Moore on Larry King Live

10-30-2009, 11:24 AM
YouTube - Ron Paul vs. Michael Moore on Larry King CNN (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF8gQfGEvsc&feature=player_embedded)

10-30-2009, 11:28 AM
Wow, he totally chumped Michael Moore's opinions.

10-30-2009, 11:38 AM
Michael Moore is a hypicrit he goes after Bush's policies and hated Bush yet he supports Obama who is doing exactly the same policies. I don't get it. Moore is a partisan hack that follows only the left no matter what they do.

10-30-2009, 11:55 AM
Actually the average viewer of that clip would probably see Ron Paul agreeing with Michael Moore about everything except the solution. If you can't agree on the problem, how can you agree on the solution??

Most people don't agree on the problem. The fact that Michael Moore and Ron Paul agree on the problem is HUGE, and we should help to educate Moore rather than continually bash him and ignore him. His films focus on the problems, which is why we should be embracing him much more. Most people think that Muslim Fundamentalists are the problem. They think that American Consumers buying foreign goods is the problem, rather than the manipulative banking and trading practices that lead to artificially lower priced foreign goods. They don't agree that Michael Moore has outlined the problems, they think he makes them up!! And people think Ron Paul makes up problems, too, but it turns out they are BOTH outlining the true problems we face!!

10-30-2009, 12:00 PM
You're right I'm just continually frustrated with people who are stuck in a hole so deep with their one-sided view that they'd follow anyone in that direction. My frustration was not from this clip but another when he was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer and was sucking up to Obama knowing full well that his policies aren't any different then Bushes. Blitzer caught the red herring. I just hate it when people don't stick up for their own principles and it seems like Michael knows whats up but never follows his own logic to his principles.

That's my beef but your point stands with identifying the problem its just that Moore is very confused at the solutions.

10-30-2009, 02:06 PM
RP is really looking fit and is refining his talking points more and more with each passing month. This is part of the reason that he will make a great contribution in the 2012 campaign.

HERE IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR: RP FINALLY distinguished between "capitalism" and "corporatism," which is something he had previously been darting around the edges of for some reason.

10-30-2009, 02:35 PM
RP misspoke I believe at one point. He said the quality of education is going "up" when he meant to say "down."

10-30-2009, 03:07 PM
RP misspoke I believe at one point. He said the quality of education is going "up" when he meant to say "down."

It seems like he feels rushed. He needs to slow down and stick with one point. He was talking about health care then went into education then into the MIC. I don't blame him though after how he was treated during the debates. But he really needs to focus on the subject at hand. Why does he never talk about the Democrats HMO Act of 1973 that brought about most of this mess and injected the government into medicine?

10-30-2009, 07:10 PM
It seems like he feels rushed. He needs to slow down and stick with one point. He was talking about health care then went into education then into the MIC. I don't blame him though after how he was treated during the debates. But he really needs to focus on the subject at hand. Why does he never talk about the Democrats HMO Act of 1973 that brought about most of this mess and injected the government into medicine?

Good points. Perhaps he should look into the cost of health care now versus pre-1973, adjusted for inflation.

11-01-2009, 04:12 AM
I love RP but I thought this interview made him look like an old guy who likes to ramble too much.
The average Joe who doesn't have our knowledge about what are the real problems and what the solution is won't understand anything Ron is talking about, hell he won't even watch it.

I wish Ron would take a public speaking course or something because it's not too hard to learn how to focus your thoughts, breathe and speak in a understandable pace and tone with cohesive thoughts. And I know he is old and everything but still.

11-01-2009, 06:09 AM
I think the most salient point of the whole thing was when he said "Central economic planning FAILS in everything"

New sig.

11-01-2009, 08:51 AM
Those who think they can do better than Dr. Paul, feel free to get up there and do it!!!

Otherwise, ****.

11-02-2009, 02:50 AM
I just saw this on T.V. I was hoping to see Moore and RP debate, I guess my dreams were too wild.

11-02-2009, 03:05 AM
Youtube has the video on their home page.

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News & Politics

Ron Paul vs. Michael Moore on Larry King CNN 10/29/2009
YouTube - Ron Paul vs. Michael Moore on Larry King CNN 10/29/2009 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Hn6ad4_FzM)

11-02-2009, 03:35 AM
It sounds like someone was telling him to sound more excited when he's on-air. I like it. His arguments against Michael Moore re-defining capitalism were solid. It seemed he was talking directly to misinformed Democrats and "independents", which is probably a great audience for him. He did sound like he was rambling a good bit early on, though (AND.... AND..... AAAAND...).

11-03-2009, 02:46 PM
I love RP but I thought this interview made him look like an old guy who likes to ramble too much.
The average Joe who doesn't have our knowledge about what are the real problems and what the solution is won't understand anything Ron is talking about, hell he won't even watch it.

I wish Ron would take a public speaking course or something because it's not too hard to learn how to focus your thoughts, breathe and speak in a understandable pace and tone with cohesive thoughts. And I know he is old and everything but still.

Interesting take. I thought Congressman Paul looked and sounded very good. His talking points often sound a bit different from other politicians since they are diametrically opposite and steeped in a bit of libertarian philosophy.

I did notice in this interview that there was a big hole in his argument that he needs to give some thought to: Just because people are not, as he says, "denied access" to emergency room care" does not help the person much if he is slapped with a $60,000 tab after the visit, nor does it help someone with early stage ovarian cancer to pay a visit to an emergency room. Dr. Paul needs to make a case for more comprehensive medical care in a libertarian society. Perhaps he might allude to AMA barriers to entry into the medical profession, for example. I would think that a two year community college education might be sufficient to become a practitioner who, for example, only sets broken bones. Etc. And that this might only cost $150 instead of $16,000 in a free market society. To his credit, he did talk about the free market and malpractice insurance.