View Full Version : Concerned about general election

10-01-2007, 05:22 PM
The way the media and the Congress and other political icons have been ignoring and dismissing Ron, I'm excited to see him win the nomination, but also concerned about the general election.

I'm going to skip to the general election. Ron beats Hillary by, oh I don't know, sixty electoral votes. This is my concern- what if thirty-one congressmen whose states' plurality voted for Ron decided to cast their electoral vote for Hillary, handing her the election? This isn't out of the realm of possibility, as some maverick congressmen have done this in the past. Over seventy congressmen have already endorsed her candidacy, and expect more to come.

I wonder if this can and/or would happen.

10-01-2007, 06:43 PM
Congressmen don't vote. The electoral college votes.

10-01-2007, 08:16 PM
Ok, I did a little more research. Presidential electors represent the same amount of congressmen in Congress, plus three when you count the District of Columbia. In the past, there have been "faithless electors," those who voted against party lines or against state popular vote.

In 1836, all 23 Virginia electors voted against Richard Mentor Johnson because of his relationship with his family slave Julia Chinn (they had two children).

So, my concern is, in this hypothetical general election, is it possible that these electors will go against who their state votes for and give the election to Hillary instead of Ron?

10-01-2007, 08:34 PM
I doubt it.

10-01-2007, 08:36 PM
I think that if Ron Paul won the Republican nomination, he'd be a lock to win the general election.

As the Republican nominee, the MSM couldn't ignore him like they do now.

10-02-2007, 11:29 AM
Ok, I did a little more research. Presidential electors represent the same amount of congressmen in Congress, plus three when you count the District of Columbia. In the past, there have been "faithless electors," those who voted against party lines or against state popular vote.

In 1836, all 23 Virginia electors voted against Richard Mentor Johnson because of his relationship with his family slave Julia Chinn (they had two children).

So, my concern is, in this hypothetical general election, is it possible that these electors will go against who their state votes for and give the election to Hillary instead of Ron?

Though hypothetically this could happen, it's not likely. As much as the neoconservative republicans dislike Ron Paul, they hate Hillary (or any democrat for that matter) with an even greater passion.

... Unless, of course, the CFR and the forces that be make the electors "an offer they can't refuse." But I think they realize that there would be outrage if they had tried something like that.

10-02-2007, 12:06 PM
Electors are chosen by the party and its candidate. So Ron Paul will get to chose the electors that will cast their votes should a state be won, which of course it will. I for see a 100% victory for Ron Paul!