View Full Version : Don't be so harsh on the Democrats and their candidates...

10-01-2007, 06:44 AM
As a former democrat (since a few weeks ago), I can honestly tell you that the party has lost its way since the Iraq War started and there is a clear disconnect between the party and the candidates. The base says "get out of Iraq", the candidates say "things are getting complicated, that might not be such a good idea considering my position in congress" and it disgusts me. Granted, when compared to rest of the Republican field, the Democratic candidates are clearly the lesser of two evils, both sides are becoming more and more alike when it comes to handling the Iraq War. I attribute this to the inability of our congress to pass meaningful legislation regarding the war. The democratic majority is afraid to vote against spending or to introduce controversial legislation because they can't get a veto-proof majority and that the voting record will be used against them.

10-01-2007, 06:55 AM
I know how you feel. I am a long time republican and it is a real strange feeling tearing into and finding myself furious at the main stream republicans, Both parties are in this war machine. I know all to well because I was sent to Bosnia by a democrat well before the second Iraq war.

10-01-2007, 07:10 AM
I was pretty much a Democrat when I was in, and just out of college. Then I got sick, really, really sick, but found that none of the social programs I believed in and contributed to were applicable to me. I really felt slighted, and it was like my eyes opened up to what the Republicans were saying. I really felt betrayed by the Democrats. I did everything right - went to school, got a job, and yet the government wouldn't help me one iota It came down to my "rich capitalist pig" employer and my friends, who absolutely did help me and I didn't even need to ask.

So, for 20 years I was a conservative, voting Republican for a while, but usually independent, but I really didn't care about the war. I *never* though we should go into Iraq, but I didn't honestly get too worked up about it.

Then Ron Paul and Giuliani had their exchange, and in that matter of seconds, everything that I felt that didn't quite add up about the war was answered. It was like a light bulb came on. I also realized that the Democrats were right about this, and I hadn't been listening because they were so very, very wrong about thier economic and social agendas.

Now I pretty much detest both parties. I can't look at the health plans they're offering up without seeing the lobby money involved. Ifirmly believe that the Free Market is a far better solution to what ails us than any government "solution."

I believe that about the war, too. We can trade with these people, or we can drill for our own oil and let them keep their oil....we do not need to set up shop in their country then whine about all the damned Muslims.