View Full Version : Bill Bennett said "Ron Paul" today on his show

10-01-2007, 06:07 AM
He's been making apologies all morning about how he erroneously reported that Ron Paul was pro-choice last week. Today he's saying that Ron Paul is pro-LIFE.

I didn't listen Friday, so I don't know how bad it was. But at least he's mentioning his name.

He just said he's "glad to hear that, BTW..."

10-01-2007, 06:36 AM
This is good, I guess?

Bill Bennett's listeners are probably more pro-life people?

10-01-2007, 06:56 AM
Yes, they're older, pro-life neocons.

10-01-2007, 07:03 AM
Just goes to show how little even big name people know about him. They live in their own bubbles.