View Full Version : Movie about what's going on right now in Pittsburg

09-25-2009, 01:41 PM
The Battle in Seattle

The link (http://www.netflix.com/Movie/Battle_in_Seattle/70095158?trkid=222336&strkid=1849323066_0_0&strackid=1ce052f6edabdef1_0_srl)for Netflix folks.

It's a pretty decent movie showing several sides of the protests in Seattle that went much like the current protests in Pittsburg.

http://www.garyjohnson2012.com/e107_images/banners/garyjohnsonbanner.jpg (http://www.garyjohnson2012.com)

09-25-2009, 01:46 PM
I thought that movie was great. Made me weep and weep.

dr. hfn
09-25-2009, 01:55 PM
were there any libertarians or anarcho-capitalists there?

09-25-2009, 02:15 PM
And here's a couple links to the flick:

【seven】08美国最新剧情力作——西雅 之战【DVD】 - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看 - 2008 美国 最新 剧情 (http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDUxMDg1MDg=.html)

MEGAVIDEO - I'm watching it (http://www.megavideo.com/?v=YD8QLI5O?advanced=)