View Full Version : GOP: Republicans adopt Ron Paul's message with something missing

09-25-2009, 05:00 AM
Republicans adopt Ron Paul's message with something missing

Trouble is it won't work! One must do more than study the words of another in order to embrace a new philosophy. Beck, Palin, Romney even Ann Coulter are all now sounding like avid Ron Paul supporters, although seldom giving credit where it is due.

Glen Beck has been making headlines for himself recently by denouncing the Republican party and

making statements that he would have voted for Hillary Clinton over McCain. He even went so far as to draft five pledges a candidate should make in order to show himself "for the people". However, a close inspection of these pledges reveals that either Beck does not "get it" or he is a spokesman for the current Republican party which is desparate to regain its conservative support.

Upon reflection, one will notice that underneath Beck's pledges is an assumption that the government should be "in control" but has simply erred and gone off course. Notice the repeated use of the word
"until". Once the necessary corrections have been made, the government can take its rightful place back in the seat of power and control. This logic is faulty at its core. Politicians are elected to manage the public's trust, not to be "in charge'. Regardless of common perception and celebrity worship, civil servants are to be just that: servants. Most politicians are keenly aware of this during elections but suffer amnesia immediately thereafter.

The most revealing of the 5 pledges is the last. "I believe the United States of America is the greatest country on earth and therefore will not apologize for policies or actions which have served to free more and feed more people around the world than any other nation on the planet." This statement is arrogant and ethnocentric at best. Of course one should believe strongly in his country and maintain a certain amount of patriotic pride. This statement, however, is dangerous. It is the essence of Republican "big government".

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