View Full Version : List of Citizen's demands

09-24-2009, 07:50 PM
So I am sitting here pondering how we can speed up the Revolution/Reclaim our government. I think the following is doable if we find the right way to market it and get people on fire for it like they did for 9/12.

First thing is as this is spread around by email, or whatever other means possible we need to point out HOW MUCH MONEY every man, woman and child got put on the hook for over the past year thru bailouts, stimulus, ongoing wars, etc (possibly Nat'l Health Care by next election). Point out to people that it is CHEAPER to support a candidate that will reverse all this nonsense than to continue to only participate in elections by voting.

Second convince people that regardless of party affiliatiation they will ONLY support candidates who agree to the Citizens' list of demands. This is something that we all need to come up with crafting the perfect language for to have maximum impact. Below are a few of my ideas.

1. I solemnly swear that I will vote against any legislation that is brought up for a vote until ALL items in the Citizen's list of demands are passed.

2. All bailouts must be repaid immediately. If the institution cannot repay in full then all assets are to be seized and liquidated, including personal assets of any officer of the corporation. If any officer of the corporation flees the country, their assets will be frozen and a motion of Mark and Reprisal will be passed to bring them to justice.

3. All funding for National Health Care is revoked (assuming it passes).

4. All undeclared wars, police actions and military deployments must either have a Constitutional Declaration of War, or all troops stationed abroad returned to the United States immediately.

5. The Federal Reserve must submit to a full and complete audit by Congress per HR 1207.

6. Vote fraud must be punishable by1 year mandatory imprisonment for each vote fradulently cast.

We the People of the United States have not only the right be the duty to make these demands for the sake of our posterity. We must vow together that at the very least we will only support a candidate who will make this pledge. Monetary support now will reap huge dividends for us and our children. Failing to make these demands, and insuring that they are lived up to guarantees the citizens of the United States a future of financial servitude.

Please add any improvements to the above demands as well as any of your own.

We have the power to do this!

09-24-2009, 07:54 PM
Anybody in the government who has influence and authority in these domains, and who advocates a new world order or new world currency to replace the dollar without the consent of the people needs to be hauled in front of congress or brought up on charges of treason.