View Full Version : Bill Richardson Lies...

09-30-2007, 06:22 AM
When he says he is the only candidate that will get the troops out of Iraq immediately:


I just emailed him and told him while his stance is appreciated, that he was still lying and that he should say he is the only democratic candidate for getting out of Iraq, because Ron Paul also wants to get us out of Iraq.

We need to hammer this guy because he will attract a lot of the people we are aiming for to vote for Ron Paul.

Leslie Webb
09-30-2007, 07:51 AM
Please email Editor@FactCheck.org and ask the Fact Check web-site to call Bill Richardson down on his blatantly untrue statement that he is the only candidate calling for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

You can also notify the richardson campaign and ask them to remove this false statement. The email address is research@richardsonforpresident.com

Richardson's claim to be the only candidate advocating withdrawal of US forces with no troops left behind is particularly hypocritical, since he was a gung-ho advocate of the with Iraq in 2003. See the following, (from irregular times website, jclifford, 1/22/07 article)

"Back in 2003, Bill Richardson’s agenda seems to have been to help George W. Bush start a war in Iraq. In the weeks before the war, Richardson gave Democratic cover to President Bush’s belligerent push for war. In February 2003, being interviewed on CNN by Paula Zahn, Bill Richardson declared, “I think there is such intensive pressure on both sides that only one more deadline, only one more chance for Saddam Hussein is going to be allowable. So I think the administration is wise in pursuing this course that says OK, total disarmament in two weeks and that’s it.”

Bill Richardson would not entertain the doubts expressed by the millions of anti-war protesters in the street who were begging the government not to start a war. Bill Richardson didn’t mind the lack of evidence that Saddam Hussein actually had any weapons of mass destruction, much less the kind of arsenals that would threaten the security of the world, as the pro-war crowd was claiming. Bill Richardson didn’t lift a finger to try to stop the war from taking place. On the contrary, he added his voice to the voice of those cheering the prospect of war.

It’s not a surprise, really, considering Bill Richardson’s political allegiances. Bill Richardson is affiliated with the right wing Democratic Leadership Council. Just a few months after helping George W. Bush to start the Iraq War, Bill Richardson gave the keynote address at the Democratic Leadership Council. In his introduction of Richardson, right wing Democrat Will Marshall declared, “Bill Richardson is a long-time friend of the Democratic Leadership Council.” Marshall went on to praise Bill Richardson in that uniquely short-sighted manner of the DLC, citing as evidence of Richardson’s wisdom that “He backed a war to oust the Saddam regime.”

Bill Richardson went on to proudly say in his address that day that he was the “first DLC governor”. Is that the platform that Bill Richardson plans to use for his campaign for President? If so, Richardson will be fairly open to the criticism that he is from the Joseph Lieberman wing of the Democratic Party, that he’s the kind of Democrat who did not have the wisdom and the moral strength necessary to stand up to George W. Bush when it was most necessary. When America needed him to do the difficult thing, Bill Richardson took the easy way out, and joined the pro-war bandwagon.

Before I can even think about supporting Bill Richardson for President, I need to hear a full and honest explanation from Bill Richardson of why he helped George W. Bush start the war in Iraq, and why he thinks that we can trust his moral judgment in spite of that terrible betrayal. An apology isn’t enough. Bill Richardson needs to prove that he gets it, that he understands how serious a mistake he made.

Unfortunately, there isn’t even a hint that Bill Richardson is ready to have that difficult conversation with Democrats. On his campaign web site, there’s not a single sentence in which Bill Richardson admits that he was wrong."

09-30-2007, 08:29 AM
...he should say he is the only democratic candidate for getting out of Iraq, because Ron Paul also wants to get us out of Iraq.

That would still be a lie, because of Kucinich and Gravel.
Note that those two candidates are mysteriously missing from the side-by-side comparison link there:)
Richardson is a self-described hawkish pro-war candidate, who is now trying to fool voters in the primaries by saying that the Iraq war is a tactical error, without emphasing his failed interventionist policies in other areas. Claiming that Dennis Kucinich (or Ron Paul) doesn't push to end the war as compared to himself is a blatant lie.

09-30-2007, 08:52 AM
I'm sorry, but, who cares?

He's a non-factor, and should be the least of our concerns leading up to the Republican Primaries.

09-30-2007, 09:31 AM
Maybe it doesn't matter in NY but in open primary states we DO have to worry about the Democratic competition.