View Full Version : Obama/dems aren't the party of the little guy...

09-21-2009, 07:47 AM
Ben Stein on some CBS show over the weekend:

"I know James Carville and I like him. He and I have been on many talk shows together and he's always friendly, funny, and knowledgeable. He's also compelling, because he seems to reflect in his comments the thoughts of the inner circles of the Democratic Party's ruling elite.

That's why I was a bit surprised when I read that Mr. Carville had recently blasted the men and women at the anti-Obama "Tea Parties" as so - quote - "classless" that they shocked him.

Wait a minute! I thought the Democrats were the party of the little guys and those who aren't classy or well-born.

Now, the political enemies are the ones without social class ?

So, now the Democrats are admitting they're the party of the rich?

They have been getting the lion's share of very large political gifts for years now. The truth is that the Democrats are the fat cats.

I am impressed that Mr. Carville admitted it. I like him more than ever now.

I was also interested to see that Mr. Carville, a mere lad of 64 (same as I am), has made fun of the age of the Tea Party attendees. He mockingly noted that their average age was - quote - "what, like 72.4 years?"

So, now the Democrats don't think the opinions of senior citizens are worth anything more than ridicule? That's a change, too. Not a good one.

I have seen other Democratic commentators making mock of the fact that the people at the Tea Parties were overwhelmingly white.

So, are we back to saying people's political views only count if you have skin of a certain color or are of a certain race? I don't like the sound of that.

There is also some scorn because many of the Tea Partiers are from small towns. Don't like that too much, either.

Look, some of what is coming out of the Tea Parties baffles me and I don't care for it. But a lot of it does make sense.

What's really amazed me is how the elitist anger of the liberal Democrats is boiling over as some ordinary citizens show they don't like being pushed around.

The liberal Democrats might want to rethink this. Contempt for the ordinary citizen is just not American. And it does not win elections."

I apologize for the lack of a link, a friend sent it to me without a link.

09-21-2009, 08:01 AM
Well, minority people are used to stealing from people so I guess they don't mind taxing some for their own stuff. :D jk

I'm fed up with this STUPID minority fetish. Dude, they're individuals just like everyone. Stupid bleeding liberal hearts.

09-21-2009, 08:03 AM
The reason why Democrats like poor people so much is because they pursue public policies designed to create as many poor people as they can.

09-21-2009, 10:57 AM
The reason why Democrats like poor people so much is because they pursue public policies designed to create as many poor people as they can.

AKA poor people like stealing from others. :D

09-21-2009, 11:01 AM
I suggested to a liberal guy once that welfare actually hurt black and minority communities and I thought his head would explode.

Yeah, his great comeback was that I'm racist.

09-21-2009, 11:04 AM
I suggested to a liberal guy once that welfare actually hurt black and minority communities and I thought his head would explode.

Yeah, his great comeback was that I'm racist.

Racism is the ultimate refuge of a scoundrel.

09-21-2009, 11:08 AM
Racism is the ultimate refuge of a scoundrel.

It amazes me that a person who claims to care so much about other people would be so offended at the suggestion that being overly dependent just might be a bad thing, not just because it can be taken away, but how can someone respect themselves when they don't earn their way?

09-21-2009, 11:12 AM
Right on Ben! Now it's time for you to drop Keynes like a bad habit.

Stary Hickory
09-21-2009, 11:12 AM
The Democratic party is so corrupt that even that message of save the little guy has twisted into some nightmare that exploits the little guy for political gain. Power is the most important thing to the hardcore left....if the little guys get in the way SQUASH them, it's for their own good.

09-21-2009, 11:42 AM
It amazes me that a person who claims to care so much about other people would be so offended at the suggestion that being overly dependent just might be a bad thing, not just because it can be taken away, but how can someone respect themselves when they don't earn their way?
Anti-racism is a political ideology and it has its purpose.