View Full Version : Why do we attack the very voters we want to reach?

09-16-2009, 01:01 PM
This is a personal rant. I think I've read one to many "Why don't more blacks support....X" post which is inevitably followed up by "It's because they are all...Y" responses. Whenever I read posts like this I invariably think to myself "What the hell am I then? Swiss cheese?" :rolleyes:

I've posted my experiences here on successfully reaching out to other blacks and those experiences have typically been ignored. Case in point this thread that got all of 1 responses!


At some point I'll write out my experiences when A) I have time and B) I can think of a way to write this up that won't get moved to "hot topics". (The fact is that some of the most successful methods to reaching African Americans involve methods that some people on this forum simply don't want to hear. And no it's got nothing to do with "fried chicken". :rolleyes:)

In the meantime I am reminded of the tendency of (some) to attack the very voters we want to reach. It's not just a "black thing".

During the campaign the following things happened:
* Ron Paul didn't do well among seniors. Response at RPF? "Those old geezers should lose their right to vote".

* The religious conservative vote when Huckabee's way. Response at RPF? "Those evil non thinking Christians shows that religion is what is wrong with this country!"

* The youth vote (where we were strongest) either didn't come out in numbers that we would have liked, or went for Obama? Response at RPF? "Those lazy, fickle youngsters shouldn't be allowed to vote."

See my point? How often have people sat back and analyzed how to improve the situation? I point out polls that the elderly are turning against Obamacare? No response. I point out polls that show blacks are turning against Obama? A few responses, but not nearly as many as the "Blacks are racist for voting for Obama and socialist for supporting his policies" threads.

It all really comes down to this. Most people still don't realize that they have a real choice! Between McCain and Obama did any vote REALLY matter?

The problem with reaching out to any Obama constituency is that we've allowed ourselves to be too closely allied with the "leaders" of the GOP who helped create the mess in the first place. Gingrich took out an ad with Pelosi supporting cap and trade. Beck said we need more bailout money! I've already heard the argument "You are only against the bailout now because it is Obama doing it". I can point to my own personal record and say it's not true. But what about the media appointed "leaders"? What about Beck and Gingrich and Palin and Cornyn and others held up as "leaders"?

But worse than who we've allied ourselves with is the fact that we are by in large not doing the outreach that we should. It's easy to go to "tea parties". It's easy to blog and do money bombs. It's harder to hit the road, go to retirement homes, churches, store parking lots, wherever and talk to real voters that might be on the other side of the fence as you about what's going on in this country and what they can do to help change it.

Just my 2 cents. ($2.50 adjusted for inflation)


John M. Drake

09-16-2009, 01:05 PM

09-16-2009, 01:11 PM
Fantastic post JMDrake. Personally, I've been targeting moderate Dems who are getting more and more disenchanted with Obama, are anti-war and pro-civil liberties. These people may or may not be black or any other race.

I have to admit though, I'd never invite anyone here who didn't have a good sense of humor and a very thick skin.

09-16-2009, 01:15 PM
Yeah posts like "Why I hate the 9/12-Teaparty Marchers" probably aren't the most outreaching of threads.

There are a lot of people on the internet who like to argue just for the sake of arguing, and would rather cut off their or someone else's nose to spite a face somewhere.

Liberty Rebellion
09-16-2009, 01:19 PM
During the campaign the following things happened:
* Ron Paul didn't do well among seniors. Response at RPF? "Those old geezers should lose their right to vote".

I remember that, but I also remember the Slim Jim for Seniors that was created here of which I printed a lot.

09-16-2009, 01:26 PM
Yeah posts like "Why I hate the 9/12-Teaparty Marchers" probably aren't the most outreaching of threads.

I ignored that thread until now. Just went back and watched the clip. I noticed the black lady newscaster in the yellow suit in the first 10 seconds. So much for the "there were no black people at the tea parties" theory. I also saw a woman carrying a sign that said "Make bombs not love; Love = socialism; bombs = freedom". I can't at all see how that is productive. I don't think we need to attack "groups", but we do need to confront unsound ideas.

09-16-2009, 01:26 PM
I remember that, but I also remember the Slim Jim for Seniors that was created here of which I printed a lot.

Cool! We ordered a lot of different types of slim jims, but I missed that one.

09-16-2009, 01:28 PM
So you're saying we should offer black people fried chicken in exchange for voting for liberty candidates??

jk ;)

Liberty Rebellion
09-16-2009, 01:32 PM
Cool! We ordered a lot of different types of slim jims, but I missed that one.


There's even a "Senior Outreach" category under the "Activism" forum

09-16-2009, 01:35 PM
I have been part of efforts to reach out to african american small business owners and entrepreneurs.

They are very aware of tax and big government issues.

09-16-2009, 01:37 PM
Whenever I speak with my friends of varying political stripes, there is always the compulsion to argue or educate, but I'll always restrain and remember that you will catch more flys with honey than vinegar.

The internet is different, than in person. There is a great scene from the John Adams mini-series where John Adams insults John Dickinson of PA on his religious sensibilities. It pretty much shuts down the debate. A few scenes later, Adams is seeking Ben Franklin's advice in a tavern, and Franklin goes, "You insulted a good man today". Adams incredulously replies, "Is it not okay to insult someone?" -- Franklin replies, "Perfectly acceptable to do so in private, but to do so in public, they tend to think you are serious."

I always consider the internet public. You just aren't going to make many friends when you light the flamethrower and start scorching people. It's not about one's philosophy, it's about emotion. If you harangue someone enough they're backed into a corner and it gets personal, you'll rarely if ever wint he person over, or they will just leave and ignore you -- most likely solidifying their original belief. There have been few cases where I have seen someone say "Wow thank you for the browbeating on a forum with thousands of forum members. I am now going to change my core philosophy and admit that my thinking was previously flawed."

...catch more flys with honey than vinegar...

09-16-2009, 01:39 PM
Please note:

I have split the discussion of "positive/negative gradient/posting style" into its OWN thread in forum feedback and ideas.

09-16-2009, 01:41 PM
Exactly right Cowlesy. Case in point: Harris4Larouche.


09-16-2009, 02:06 PM
I have only recently seen outright racist posts on this forum, and it is no coincidence that it is in the middle of this concocted media shit storm, where they are antagonizing both sides to become something they are not ("Is your baby racist?") . If the media was not bombarding us with ludicrous accusations, which has spilled over into the blogosphere, I don't think these racist posts would have been made here, nor would these outlandish accusations of every right winger is a racist be made on daily kos, etc.

It is just a case in point about how much brainwashing is going on, and has been for centuries. During the slave trade, no doubt propaganda was elicited by the very wealthy, and intellectual elite to get good people to go along with something heinous. Back then, money and power was behind it as well.

I'm so pissed right now, but I am directing my anger at the right target, and that is the media who is doing everything they can to divide this nation. The small minded who fall into the trap I have pity for.