View Full Version : An idea, feedback?

09-14-2009, 01:11 PM
I was thinking of doing like an index thread of one main thread per member. The theme being that this is your main communication to other members of the community. People always want to jump out when they are feeling down or whatever to try to connect, so they post something like a 'goodbye' thread, or an 'I give up' thread, but have we all ever really said what our real feelings actually are about why we're here and what we would like to see accomplished.

Like I don't get everything just from an intro thread and I'd really like to be able to have a good thread to go to learn about how a member is connected to other members, what their strategy is, factions in the movement they disagree with etc.

people could edit the main post whenever they wanted and indicate which post #'s were kind of irrelevant now etc.

I just feel like we need some kind of 'starting over' and getting to know one another attitude, rather than a who is right or wrong attitude.

I don't know, I guess like a "this is who I really am" kind of thread, only related to the liberty movement and why you are part of it.

Any thoughts?

kaleidoscope eyes
09-14-2009, 04:50 PM