View Full Version : An Email I just sent out to family members - Swine Flu Vaccines

09-04-2009, 08:55 PM
I sent this email out to family member regarding the Swine Flu Vaccines. I for one would never get one, and I did not outright tell them not to get it because I wanted them to read the articles and not just disregard them due to (what seems to them) an outlandish claim not to get it.


I just wanted to share two articles about the vaccine that has important information in them. For some odd reason you will not see these facts on T.V. They act as if this vaccine is harmless. In reality it is far from it. I am not saying you should not get the vaccine, but be aware of it's negative effects and what is in it.

The vaccines are far more deadly than the swine flu (http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14869)

Risks of the Swine Flu Vaccine (http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/health-care/1813)

Excerpts from the article(s):

"Most flu vaccines contain dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, a deadly preservative 50 times more toxic than mercury itself [9]. At high enough doses, it can cause long-term immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioural dysfunctions. Also associated with mercury poisoning are autism, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, and speech and language deficiencies. The Institute of Medicine has warned that infants, children, and pregnant women should not be injected with thimerosal, yet the majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of it."

"The US government is intending to vaccinate all children in September when school re-opens, and the country’s vaccine watchdog National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has called on the Obama Administration and all state Governors to provide evidence that the move is [6] “necessary and safe”

09-04-2009, 09:34 PM

Yeah, I'm a lot more afraid of the vaccine than the flu.

09-04-2009, 09:39 PM
Well whenever the media is silent on something, yet the government is making it mandatory to get...you know it is bad. Something is up.