View Full Version : Ron Paul is playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

09-28-2007, 03:15 PM
I noticed ron paul was having some trouble getting all of his information out to explain his sometimes controversial stances. It seems to me that he has a complexity of thought that goes waaaay beyond the other canidates.

It's about time we elected someone smarter than the general populace for a change eh?

Dave Wood
09-28-2007, 03:18 PM

This is why these over the edge kooky ideas that RP/fans have are seen as over the edge and kooky.

This person in the video is BEGGING for clearification on RP issues so he can feel comfortable voting for him!

We need to consider something along the lines of an infomercial on sunday tv, not something cheesy just a get to know Ron Paul kinda thing so that he can clearly explain how these ideas will benefit and not hurt America.

One formula I learned long ago for marketing was a thing called the FBI`s

Feature, coffee maker has an auto-shutoff
Benefit It saves electricity, prolongs the life of the maker, and offers peace of mind.
Well I dont need to save electricity, and I dont care if I have to buy a new one
INCENTIVE Lets say you are in a rush for work one day and leave the coffee maker on, it gets ultra-hot and ignites the dish towel left next to it, you get a phone call around lunch time from your neighbors saying the fire dept says there is nothing that can be saved of your home. Now in hindsight, wouldnt it have been a better idea to get the one with the auto-shutoff?


Welcome by the way:)

09-28-2007, 03:19 PM
It's just that he knows what he's talking about so well and has such a wealth of information. Like anything if you know your stuff about a topic, you're confidant and you can cite specific sources and talk forever about it. If you don't.... well you sound like Huckabee.

09-28-2007, 03:20 PM
Indeed. Paul is a multidimensional thinker. He sees how issues, interconnect which is why it's difficult for him to discuss one, without bringing up others that effect it. He sees the big picture and how its all connected. You can tell the mulitdimensional thought going on by the way he jumps out of mid sentence on to something else as well.

He fascinates me.

09-28-2007, 03:21 PM
At the end he should just say "google Ron Paul"

09-28-2007, 03:48 PM
People hear the message even if they don't grok every word of it. It drove me personally to learn more about the issues, and to marvel at the amazing consistency of his platform.

I understand the concern people have about his talking too fast. He uses terminological shorthand for things like "welfare state," "military-industrial complex," "marginal worker," "blowback," "sound money," "amnesty," etc. Even those basic policy terms may go over the heads of much of the audience. Even when he talks about property rights, listeners don't realize how little of that they have. But, usually, there's a punch line, like

"taking care of our people here at home"

"they have become scapegoated because of the weak economy and the lowering of our standard of living."

"I think inner-city folks and minorities are punished unfairly in the war on drugs."

I read an article interviewing one of the students at last night's debate, who became a Paul supporter predominantly because of his stand on capital punishment. We who have been watching all the debates and listening to all the speeches and interviews can forget how powerful it was to hear Paul for the first time.

09-28-2007, 05:43 PM
We may be at the beginning of a paradigm shift due to the internet.
Back during the Nixon, Kennedy debate, Kennedy lost the debate to those who were listening, but for those who were watching Kennedy easily won. Kennedy had charm, charisma, while Nixon seemed pale, and uneasy.

It may be possible that we are experiencing the first wave of people sick of being seduced, and understand that you can't argue complex issues in 20 second sound bytes. Maybe, just maybe people are sick of being lied to and see that we are going to have to actually think for ourselves this time. Or maybe, the police state is right upon us, and its a normal reaction to become alert, much like animals know before an onimous storm hits.

With the power of youtube the charlatans are at a disadvantage because they words can be replayed over and over, and their lies more and more exposed. The TV era may be ending just like the radio era for politics was losing steam with Kennedy.