View Full Version : Princeton Professor [Obama Shill] displays stunning ignorance on basic economics.

08-18-2009, 04:22 PM

"Watching the angry outbursts at town hall meetings on health reform and the continuing public ambivalence about current efforts to reform our health system almost makes me wish that the reform effort fails.

Perhaps Americans need to be taught a basic lesson on the economics of employment-based health insurance before they will feel as smugly secure with it as they do now and before they will stop nitpicking health-reform efforts to death over this or that detail.

And America's currently insured middle class will be increasingly desperate if health reform fails. Millions more such families will see their take-home pay shrink. Millions will lose their employment-based insurance, especially in medium and small-sized firms. And millions will find themselves inexorably priced out of health care as we know it."

He is perpetuating the meme that those who are against ObamaCare are for the "Status Quo".

Indeed, it seems the only thing they teach at Princeton is how to make the government more authoritarian. After all, when there is a lot of central planning to do - guess who they are gonna call in to do it? Answer: the smug, elitist ivy leaguers who think they've just learned so much - after all, they went to Princeton.

08-18-2009, 04:34 PM
Maybe we should boycott companies that support Princeton like the Obama brownshirts are trying to boycott Whole Foods and Glenn Beck. :D