View Full Version : Objectivism at the Drive-Thru

08-18-2009, 02:59 AM
I was at work last night and went to McDonald's to pick up food for a co-worker. In front of me at the drive-thru, there was an SUV with an "Ayn Rand Center" frame around his license plate.

I caught the end of his order. I'm not sure it was in his self-interest to get two cheeseburgers instead of one, but more power to him. :D

08-18-2009, 03:05 AM
I was at work last night and went to McDonald's to pick up food for a co-worker. In front of me at the drive-thru, there was an SUV with an "Ayn Rand Center" frame around his license plate.

I caught the end of his order. I'm not sure it was in his self-interest to get two cheeseburgers instead of one, but more power to him. :D

Maybe he was picking one up for a spouse or co-worker? Then years ago I'd buy food for homeless people from McDs

08-18-2009, 07:03 PM
Maybe he was picking one up for a spouse or co-worker? Then years ago I'd buy food for homeless people from McDs

Yeah, maybe, but he ordered a bunch of things before that.

Maybe for people at home.

08-18-2009, 07:47 PM
i like when things like this happen , i always get excited when i see a ron paul bumper sticker. i also discovered awhile back that a regular at my coffee shop was libertarian and studied economics because i bumped into him at a tea party. . . when ever one of us would start to name an economist the other would go "i was just about to mention him!" he also informed me my other boss is one as well. ., which i didnt know at all because the boss i usually see loves obama and they are married. .