View Full Version : Neocon rag publishes another hit piece on RP (for what reason?)

08-08-2009, 12:11 AM

Ron Paul has built a reputation — through the farce of his views rather than his personality — as a man harping back to the ideals of a bygone era that never really was.

In an age of uncertainty and instability, it is not surprising that he gained somewhat of a cult status during the presidential elections with his overtly populist (but fatally misguided) prognosis of world affairs. Presenting himself as the avuncular and “wiser statesman” of U.S. politics, an arch opponent of U.S. interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and just about every other form of contact with the outside world, Paul advocates the most sulphuric cocktail of credulous and self-defeating policies. The definitive foreign policy of neo-isolationism which he spews (sadistically it seems, as 9/11, the recent economic meltdown, and humanitarian disasters in Darfur and Zimbabwe should demonstrate to even the most committed “realist”) is just sheer folly. It is a platform that ominously resonated with vast swathes of the electorate and should be exposed for the dotty “one point plan” to peace and prosperity that it actually is.

Events reverberate through countries, continents, and wallets, and are dangerously unprejudiced to the national emblem on a passport. With shattered stock markets, defaulting loans, mass refugee influxes, and failed states that harbor terrorist networks, the idea of burying your head in the sand and allowing a poisonous ant nest to fester around it is national security suicide.

In his often recited critique of 9/11, Paul never once mentions the fiery rage of jihadi fundamentalism that aims to restore “the lost caliphate” and invoke medieval Sharia. In Paul’s world, resentment towards “U.S. entanglements” led a group of sexually repressed Muslim men, brought up on a doctrine of aggressive Wahhabism (and the promised 72 virgins), to crash two planes into the Twin Towers.

Not once does he answer why, if U.S. foreign policy causes so many people around the world to “hate us,” Islamic murderers carry out their belt-exploding best in India, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Nigeria, and other unaligned (Muslim) nations.

08-08-2009, 12:18 AM
[Presenting himself as the avuncular and “wiser statesman” of U.S. politics, an arch opponent of U.S. interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and just about every other form of contact with the outside world, Paul advocates the most sulphuric cocktail of credulous and self-defeating policies.

Yep, neoconner alright... Paul constantly stresses the need for contact with the rest of the world, just not contact through the barrel of a gun financed by taxpayers.


08-08-2009, 12:31 AM
Neocon rag publishes another hit piece on RP (for what reason?)
YouTube - Joe Dirt's Dad (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E6IfdUJn6s)

08-08-2009, 01:08 AM
This is a good video, why US can't be "isolated" (aka 'less involved')


you can't embed the video !!!!

youtube. com/watch?v=buHCQuu4aMc

08-08-2009, 01:16 AM
Someone's desperately wanting to keep the "war party" intact, it seems. :rolleyes:

Ron Paul has been crystal clear that he's not an isolationist, and that he's in favor of "commerce with all nations, alliance with none." You know someone's a desperate and miserable little person when their only mode of attack is writing a hit piece misrepresenting someone else's views and attacking a straw man (the "isolationist" Ron Paul :rolleyes: ). Beyond that, you know that someone's just downright demented if they can't grasp blowback or the idiocy of reckless and arbitrary military adventurism and consider humility to be "folly."

Oh, Jesus...I read some of the comments on that blog, and for the most part they're a cess pool of complete stupidity and arrogance. These people will NEVER get it. I had almost forgotten just how much I loathed neocons, but thanks for reminding me. :mad:

08-08-2009, 01:25 AM
This is a good video, why US can't be "isolated" (aka 'less involved')


you can't embed the video !!!!

youtube. com/watch?v=buHCQuu4aMc

edit oh i was wrong its age restricted so it wont post weird

dr. hfn
08-08-2009, 12:33 PM
isolationists don't talk, trade, or travel. north korea is isolationist, not ron paul

08-09-2009, 07:00 AM
love how these neocons by design mis label "isolation"
so for a neoconer non isolation means the ability to have our military in your country.......wow cant see why that would be a problem.......dumb fuckers

would we ever allow foriegn military bases on our soil...no!

neocon mislabel by design just as bad as the left.

we need to trade with everyone.....and have foreign entanglaments with no one!

Anti Federalist
08-09-2009, 07:19 AM
Oh NOES!!! Pajamas Media is running a hit piece on Ron Paul!!!

Mini Me wrote:

Oh, Jesus...I read some of the comments on that blog, and for the most part they're a cess pool of complete stupidity and arrogance. These people will NEVER get it. I had almost forgotten just how much I loathed neocons, but thanks for reminding me.

That pretty much sums it for me as well.

Even if the idiot neocons were right, that we needed to extend our military reach into, I'm assuming from what they say, every single country on earth, even if they made the best case possible, it can't be done, we're broke, stone cold, flat out busted.

To sit and watch the neocons and the socialists argue back and forth about trillions to blow people up or trillions to make people sick in government run healthcare is as incongruous to me as watching two street bums argue about what brand of plasma TV they are going to buy.

08-09-2009, 12:04 PM
Not once does he answer why, if U.S. foreign policy causes so many people around the world to “hate us,” Islamic murderers carry out their belt-exploding best in India, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Nigeria, and other unaligned (Muslim) nations.

Uhh actually he did. Maybe the author simply never read 'Dying to Win' like Ron Paul told him to after the primary where he was confronted by Giuliani. The reason they carry out terrorist attacks in those regions is because their governments are tyrannical and oppressive to the muslims living in them.

08-09-2009, 12:33 PM
I just posted on the neocon blog about how RP would make the US much safer and foster unprecedented improved relations around the globe.

08-09-2009, 12:35 PM
In his often recited critique of 9/11, Paul never once mentions the fiery rage of jihadi fundamentalism that aims to restore “the lost caliphate” and invoke medieval Sharia. In Paul’s world, resentment towards “U.S. entanglements” led a group of sexually repressed Muslim men, brought up on a doctrine of aggressive Wahhabism (and the promised 72 virgins), to crash two planes into the Twin Towers.

Not once does he answer why, if U.S. foreign policy causes so many people around the world to “hate us,” Islamic murderers carry out their belt-exploding best in India, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Nigeria, and other unaligned (Muslim) nations.

He talks about that stuff alot. He just doesn't say anything they're interested in considering.

08-09-2009, 12:50 PM
Plucked this out of the comments.


FACT: The total income tax receipts of the US Treasury is five times the annual debt servicing expenditure, according to the Congressional Budget Office, which is a nonpartisan arm of the Treasury Department, whose job it is to project revenue and expense expectations for the government.

08-09-2009, 01:15 PM
....then they attack you

08-09-2009, 01:25 PM
....then they attack you

The attacks are coming at the healthcare rallies.

08-09-2009, 02:19 PM
Not once does he answer why, if U.S. foreign policy causes so many people around the world to “hate us,” Islamic murderers carry out their belt-exploding best in

India- Because they want an independent Kashmir

Jordan- Population is majority Palestinian. Targets hit there are Western targets.

Saudi Arabia- They mostly hit American military bases.

Indonesia- Western targets again. American and Australian interests.

Nigeria- Nigerians in the north want Nigeria to become a sharia Islamic state.

and other unaligned (Muslim) nations- Again, Western or targets. A restaurant I frequented in Egypt was bombed 2 years after I went there. Why? Because Americans, Australians, Israelis, etc were the customers.