View Full Version : Article about Sheriff Mack

08-04-2009, 07:30 PM

SHOW LOW - Sheriff Richard Mack of Graham County is inviting people to go to the Creekside Building at 1010 Brady on Aug. 4 at 7 p.m. ready to find solutions to what he feels is government gone wild.

Mack, a graduate of the FBI Academy and recipient of the 1995 NRA Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award as well as the Gun Owners of America's Defender of the Second Amendment Award, said he believes government on Capitol Hill is no longer in tune with the best interests of the people it is entrusted to serve - the citizens of the United States.

He wants people to come together in Show Low, not to protest and whine about how bad things are, but to work at finding realistic, feasible solutions to government overspending and taxation.

"I've been traveling the country, including this Wednesday (when) I am going to be on FOX News with Janet Napolitano (national director of Homeland Security). I can honestly say I have been from California to New York just within the past few months, and I'm seeing the same thing from people everywhere," Mack said.

"They are overwhelmed with the huge imbalance of power that has shifted towards Washington, D.C., and they want to know what they can do about it."

He said the solution is in the American people's own backyards and citizens must look to state and county officials for the answer.

Key in the solution, in his opinion, is that people get behind their local sheriff and public officials and do what he said "a lot of the states are now attempting and have done a little bit of" - push for state rights, local autonomy and sovereignty in government.

According to his Web site www.sheriffmack.com, during his tenure, "federal officers informed the sheriffs of the state that they would be required to enforce the so-called 'Brady Bill' and run background checks at their expense under the law. In 1994, Mack and six other sheriffs from across the country challenged the constitutionality of the Brady Bill and ultimately fought it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, where they won a monumental decision for freedom." Mack told The Independent, "My Supreme Court decision proves that one person can make a difference, that the sheriff does not have to go along with the incursions of the federal government and, in fact, my case and our foundational documents prove that it's our responsibility to keep the federal government in their own jurisdiction, and that is 10 square miles in Washington, D.C.," Mack said.

"We do not have to go along with tyranny, we have a responsibility to stand against it and one thing that history has also shown is that tyrants are never the one to stop tyranny," he added.

He said his most recent book, "The County Sheriff: America's Last Hope," came out Feb. 15 and is being pushed by a lot of the country's conservative groups. It deals specifically with his belief that the average citizen has a responsibility and obligation to recognize and fight against tyranny.

"James Madison warned us that we would lose more freedom to those in power by gradual, silent encroachments than we would by violent usurpation by foreign entity," Mack said.

He believes that is exactly what is happening now, but they are no longer silent nor gradual. He said proof that people "in this country" are looking for answers to big government are the nationwide tea parties and what he referred to as a "huge push from everybody against (President Barrack) Obama's qualifications."

He said the Boston Tea Party when revolutionaries threw crates of tea imported from England into the Boston Harbor in protest of the tea tax would likely solicit an arrest from most law enforcement agencies in the country now, but it was a just protest at the time.

However, he feels the American public needs to get back to the idea of letting government know how they feel and that law enforcement will be the critical element in keeping it civil.

He cautioned though that he never has and never would advocate violent overthrow of government, reiterating that law enforcement is the "key in keeping this peaceful."

"My message is for the police and especially the sheriffs in this country, to recognize the tyranny that is going on and support the people and stand up. (A sheriff) is the ultimate law enforcement authority, and he can lead the way in telling the federal government to back off," Mack said.

Mack is also the author of "From My Cold Dead Fingers," "Government, God and Freedom" and "The Proper Role of Law Enforcement."

"The fate of our nation does not lie in the hands of corrupt Washington, D.C. politicians," he said. "It's in the hands of local officials who have the wisdom and the integrity to recognize what's coming and to take action against it.

"Isn't that what we're supposed to do as law enforcement, recognize a potential problem and preempt it?"

He said people need to ignore the fear that if they protest federal actions they will lose federal funding and be willing to take a stand for what they believe is right and just, like maintenance of Second Amendment rights to gun ownership. He applauded Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick for "at least" doing that.

"If you want the solution and are tired of what's going on, and the abuse and corruption of Washington, D.C., is finally now starting to annoy you, then come and hear the solution.

"It is not going to cost you anything but about an hour of your time, and I guarantee you this is a solution. We're not just going to pontificate, we're not going to talk about all the 'horrible' things going on, we could do that until next year and still not accomplish anything," he said.

"This (the Aug. 4 meeting) is solution-oriented, it's correct, it's proper and it's peaceful."

08-04-2009, 07:32 PM
Where is the youtube of the Sheriff v. Janet?

08-05-2009, 10:24 AM
"He said the solution is in the American people's own backyards and citizens must look to state and county officials for the answer."

What about the balance of power? Does this compute?