View Full Version : Right of Allocution / fighting corrupt drug laws (1999)

08-04-2009, 11:47 AM
NOTE- don't try this. Check attorney Larry Becraft at http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/

This information could get you put in prison like Lynne Meredith is (from We The People / author of Vultures in Eagle's Clothing 1997).


Your client was charged with the possession of a prescription drug and other charges unknown to me. He is claiming “Unreasonable Search & Seizure” as a defense. I have some additional information that may free your client on all charges or reduce the charges. Please research this information thoroughly. I am not a lawyer, nor shall this be construed as legal advice.

First off, in order to secure his Rights, everything he signs must include certain information. The court system operates on Commercial Law (Public Policy). These “laws” or “statues” are included in the United States Code (USC) and Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). If your client does not reserve his Rights, then they may be forfeited. The Government believes ignorance of the law and your Rights can constitute unnecessary fines and false imprisonment.

Thousands or possibly millions of Americans have been harassed, fined, falsely imprisoned, and in some case tortured, murdered, coerced, extorted – having their lives completely destroyed. Many of the sold their selves to the devil, becoming “narco swine”, snitching on whoever, friend or foe, making deals with the lying hipocrits -- corrupt cops, federal agents, judges, prosecutors, strike force – who steal drugs and other valuables from people they bust. Operating under a false colorable jurisdiction intentionally used to deceive and confuse the common person into loosing all their Rights.

The corruption is not only local, it’s global. The farther you dig, the more corrupt they get. Their philosophy is Machiavellian, “the end justifies the means”, and they will use whatever means necessary, to achieve their goals.

The 50 Sovereign state Republics (USA) are in a contract with the Federal United States (US). The Federal Government was granted “exclusive legislative democracy” over Washington D.C., territories, and enclaves owned by the U.S. They legislate to the residents there without Constitutional regard. These residents are considered “U.S. citizens” and “legal persons” excluded from the Sovereign and under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government.

If you read the Constitution, you will see that Citizen is capitalized through the entire Constitution until you get to the 14th Amendment, which created the U.S. citizen (note capitalization).

The contract allows for this Nation to borrow money from creditors under the trade name “United States”, a corporate entity. This contracted creates the “privileged individual”, one who can discharge all their debts in debt-free currency known as bank notes. Although in reality, it took away the individual’s Rights, taxed their labor, caused extreme inflation, and has indebted this Nation and every resident close to $4 trillion dollars. They also stole everyone’s gold, under a false pretense of jurisdiction.

Corporate entities were created of practically every Federal and state institution. The “United States”, every one of the fifty States, Federal institutions such as the “U.S. Treasury”, and local institutions, courts, and so on. All of these differ from Sovereign institutions created by the Constitution, such as the united States of America (USA), the Treasury of the united States of America, and the 50 Sovereign state Republics.

The Federal Government uses deceptive “Words of Art”, so pay attention to capitalization and know the context definition of words in the U.S. Code and U.C.C. As Humpty Dumpty once said “A word means whatever I want it to mean”.

Enough with how the world works, below are some legal strategies:

1) IMPORTANT – include “Without Prejudice U.C.C. 1-207” on all documents signed and make it known to the court that your client wished to reserve his common law right and remove himself from any contract not entered knowingly, willingly, and intentionally. This reserves all his Rights, including not being a witness against yourself, the Right to be secure in your person, house, etc against unreasonable searches and seizures, and so on. If you client is claiming unreasonable search and seizure he must reserve his Right or his claim may not be valid.

Tell the judge that this applies to all administrative agencies of government; national, state, and local. And that your client will not accept the liability associated with the compelled benefit of any unrevealed commercial agreement. Otherwise, U.C.C 1-207:9 states that “the failure to make a reservation thereof cause a loss of the rights…”

2) Read the amendment to the Controlled Substances Act (21USC956(a)), which allows a U.S. resident to import legally a prescription drug from a foreign pharmacy, without a prescription. The resident must be importing it for personal use only and not for commercial resale. It must be under 50 dosage units or a 3-month supply. The resident must use it under a doctor’s supervision, but a prescription isn’t required.


The jury sees that your client was using the medications under the guidelines of the FDA Personal Import Policy and never violated any law. The reason he imported the medications from a foreign pharmacy is because they are up to 70% cheaper than retail prices in the States. There was no need for a prescription, so your client didn’t bother getting one. Since he’d been previously diagnosed by a doctor in the past, whether it be foreign or in the U.S. If your client can’t remember the name of the doctor or where he was from, well who would? If you were prescribed a prescription drug in a foreign country 5 years would you remember? Coincidentally Xanax is notorious for causing loss of memory. I highly doubt they can trace the medication origin, so as far as they know it’s from a foreign pharmacy.

For more information look up http://www.customs.ustreas.gov/travel/med.htm

It does say, “Possession of certain medications without a prescription from a physician licensed in the United States may violate Federal, State, and/or local laws”. All you have to do is convince the jury if they agree with this and even if they don’t, there’s another solution.

3) Right of Allocution and Supervisory Objection

Without knowing the details of the case, if your client was found guilty of disobedience to a commercial statute, then he must exercise his Right of Allocution. Considering Commercial Law/Public Policy has been in America’s court systems since 1938, it’s most likely that this Court system for your client is based on Commercial law. Something about gold fringes on the flag in the Court, designate whether it operates on Common Law or Commercial Law.

Make sure that the Court reporter is recording everything. When the Judge asks “Is there any reason why this Court should not sentence you at this time?” You must respond correctly. This will bring “law issues” into your Court appeal and will almost definitely overturn the first Court’s decision and free your client on whatever charges.

Here’s the correct response:

“Your Honor, the accused, in this criminal case, coming as it does from a colorable jurisdiction over his person and property, does object to being sentenced by this court at this time, because conviction in this case has been base upon the Facts of the case, while the Law Issues are still in dispute – namely – the Courts’ Colorable Jurisdiction in this Criminal charge, which lacks the essence of a substantial claim by a damaged party.”

This secures your Right of Allocution and allows you to bring Law Issues into the appeal.

You need to file a valid “verified complaint”, to compel the prosecutor to bring forth a “party injured by your [client’s] actions.”

You should continue and state:

“Your Honor, the accused in this case would like to put this Court ON NOTICE, that if it does pronounce sentence at this time, over the OBJECTIONS of the accused, that the accused will formulate his objection, before a higher Court, in the Nature of a Writ of Error.”

The Judge may say “Writs of Error” are no longer admissible in modern courts. You should clarify by saying:

“…I did not intend to file a Genuine Writ of Error, which is not recognized in colorable Jurisdictions, but that you stated on record that your objection to being sentenced at this time on Fact Issues while the Law Issues of the case are still in dispute would be “In the Nature of a Writ of error” which is a colorable objection recognized under the name of Supervisory Control in Black’s 5th Law Dictionary.”

This makes the Judge take the Court Transcript/Record of the case to a higher panel of Judges and prove that the Jurisdiction he exercised over your client’s person and property existed as “A Fact of Law”. And further he must show the legal basis for each ruling on issues of law that the Court’s transcript shows an objection was made by the accused.

Most likely the Judge will be unable to prove this and your client should be freed on the charges.

4) Unreasonable Search & Seizure

If your client is using this as a defense, be sure to make it known to the court that the client reserves his rights using “Without Prejudice U.C.C 1-207.” Also research U.C.C 1-103.6 which states that Commercial law must be in harmony with Common law and furthermore it cannot preclude Common Law.

5) Affidavit

Your client may want to sign an affidavit stating who he is. This is merely a written list of facts or truths. They are presumed to be true unless they can be proven otherwise.

Included is a copy of an Affidavit, which regards the IRS and Federal Jurisdiction. Use it as an example. Even though this isn’t a federal case, Commercial Law and Corporate Entities are everywhere in State institutions and Courts, and its always good to be clear exactly who your client is.

He must state that he was born in a Sovereign state Republic and not a territory, such as the Guam, Puerto Rico, etc, where the U.S. is Sovereign, nor a military base (enclaves) or Washington D.C., which make up “U.S./Federal Jurisdiction”. Although with the contract between the Federal Government and the Sovereign states, Federal Jurisdiction has expanded almost everywhere, using corporate entities.

That’s about it. Hopefully after thoroughly researching these legal strategies, they will prove to be useful in your client’s case.

If this case is an appeal case to a previous court ruling, you may have problems bringing “Law Issues” into the appeal. Although I’m sure you can work something out with the Judge.

Again I am not a lawyer, nor is this legal advice, nor do I know the specific details of the case. You are the lawyer, do what you want with this information.

- John Player
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Without Prejudice U.C.C. 1-207