View Full Version : The Fourteen "D’s" of Deceitful and Dirty Politics

08-04-2009, 10:24 AM
I read this in another forum and thought it would be good to share

The Fourteen "D’s" of Deceitful and Dirty Politics

By learning to recognize that these tactics are being used against you, people and causes you support, you will be better able defend against them or recognize their Deceptive, Deceitful, and Dirty Politics. This is advanced political strategy, spin-tacticts, and psychology, and as such is not for everyone.

1. Deny any awareness or knowledge when questioned –
I don’t know anything about that. I can’t recall . . . I was not involved . . . I don’t have all the facts . . . I am trying to get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible . . . I will personally see to it that a Grand Jury is convened to look into this tragic (insert incident here). Justice WILL be served.

2. Delay and buy time ,Let the situation “cool off”. Stall all efforts of a confrontation or forcing an answer or response. (Obfuscate or confuse the situation by stating it is someone else’s responsibility.

3. Downgrade or Downplay–
Minimize importance. So-what! No big deal. Everybody does it. They do it too. Where was he/she when . . .? What do they know? He/she brought it on him/her self. I/We just did what we had to do. We followed policy.

You don’t know what is going on. Don’t understand the big picture. Who are you? How can you know anything, you have never been involved in this kind of situation. He/She is just a trouble maker. Agitator! Instigator! If you want a voice, run for office! I got elected, that means I know more than you. Your ideas don’t matter. Besides, my experts, consultants, advisors, handlers, etc. would tell me if we needed any new ideas or viewpoints.

Uses Reaction Formation as a propaganda tool. Accuse opponent of doing what you did (or plan to do). Also, agree, gloss, restate, THEN deflect (I agree with you on . . . or Thank you for your excellent idea . . . but first we should talk about or first you need to understand . . . or however, we have a different plan that you don’t understand . . .),

6. Distract –
Or Redirect by scheduling the real news breaks, real confessions or making public questionable acts, so that they are made public behind sensational news or during periods of low public attention (Super-Bowl). Such Distractions play well in a “Wag-the-Dog” scenario, like a cover-up.

7. Discount– (another "Reaction Formation" propaganda tactic. See Items #5 & #4)
This is not the REAL issue. We need to get this behind us and get on with the important things. Accuse your critics of doing the same thing that YOU are actually doing (reaction formation) (Let's do a public information campaign)

8. Defend–
But ONLY from a strong, loud VICTIM posture. Someone’s private life should be no one else’s business. “They care more about bashing good dedicated good-ol-boy, than what is really happening to (insert current buz topic here – the poor children on an island, terrorist vessel boarding training in Pensacola Bay, what ever.” “Besides, you have known me all my life. Heck I went to XXX high school (whether or not I graduated don’t matter none) with you man. Besides, you remember all that I have done for you – don’t you?)

9. Disappear–
Lay low. Get out of town and out of touch. (go to a private island and do disaster relief work or Disney World). Remember, if anyone ask, say “No Comment!” Better have a “minion” do the speaking (you be invisible).

10. Disconnect –
We are not going to be dragged through this. They are just being political. We have more important issues to deal with, like . . . (insert something scary here – Bird Flu pandemic, economic crisis).
Or see #1 Deny and #13. Defy – Besides, it wasn’t ME – it was (insert any available fall-guy or dupe here). That person acted completely without my knowledge. I was even out of (town, county, country – on mercy mission, as I remember) What he/she did was despicable! I am appalled at this. I hope to see justice served, and will do everything within my power – I promise! *look serious and resolute here*nod head*.

11. Defame –
That person is not credible because they . . . (are naysayers)

12. Deceive and Destroy –
Get someone “in-close” to a situation (in the know) to “find” and “Leak” any derogatory information about opponent, the more sensational, bazaar and astounding the better. Best done by a credible “mole”. Deception by repeating undocumented claims, is Not to be confused with stating documented facts, and offering sources and evidence to contradict deception.

13. Deify –
Who Cares! Nobody saw me do it! Even if they did, So What! What can you do about it? What law was broken? Even if one was, I am the Law. Besides, I have low friends in high places (or is that high friends in low places – I get confused)

14. Disrupt–
Threaten and intimidate even the slightest suggestion of defiance or anyone who would question anything. Destroy what they love and care about more than themselves (their children, friends, shoot or have animal control pickup their pets [especially their dog, cats don’t count. Everybody knows that cats don’t have souls], destroy their reputation, or destroy their means to live and survive (their career, business, etc. or just intimidate their employer) Especially disrupt centers of power, communications (TV, newspapers, radio, commentators & reporters) sufficiently to cause them to avoid even the slightest hint of confrontation.