View Full Version : If you donate today, please use this link!

09-25-2007, 12:55 PM
As many of you know, Ron Paul is coming to Nashville on Oct. 6th to do a fundraiser and then a HUGE rally for the southeast supporters. It is really important that the campaign generate a lot of money at this fundraiser since that will send a message that Fred Thompson does not have a lock on the south.

When you use this link, it will be counted in the $500,000 fundraising goal AND it will also send a message that Ron Paul has a lot of support in the south.


Make sure the "project code" box is filled in with the code: TN1061

09-25-2007, 01:02 PM
damn, too late, I already did my $200 today! Go get 'em!!!

09-25-2007, 01:06 PM
So we're supposed to create the impression that the campaign is doing better in the South than it is by having non-southerners pretend they're southerners when they make donations? And then we'll expect mainstream media not only to notice that but also to be completely unaware that it was actually not just southerners who were able to use that link?

Scribbler de Stebbing
09-25-2007, 01:09 PM
So we're supposed to create the impression that the campaign is doing better in the South than it is by having non-southerners pretend they're southerners when they make donations? And then we'll expect mainstream media not only to notice that but also to be completely unaware that it was actually not just southerners who were able to use that link?

I don't think it's that calculated. It would be nice for the rally organizers, or the campaign, to be able to say to the press or at the rally, "Hey, we raised XXX beaucoup bucks at this rally." No one's going to dig any deeper than that. Nothing wrong with it.

09-25-2007, 01:15 PM
So we're supposed to create the impression that the campaign is doing better in the South than it is by having non-southerners pretend they're southerners when they make donations?

No, I wouldn't infer that at all. This is a message to everyone who wants to help the campaign financially - southerners and non-southerners. I don't think it's being sneaky or underhanded in any way.

I was asking the forum people for help since the event was confirmed last-minute and we only have about a week and a half until Oct. 6th.

09-25-2007, 01:19 PM
I'm not talking about being underhanded. But if we make donations, the campaign gets the same amount whether we use the code for that group or any other group. If we get bunches of people all around the world to donate using the Tennessee code, nobody outside the campaign is even going to find out about that, and even if they do, they won't be dumb enough to think it has anything to do with having strong southern support. We all know it wouldn't indicate that, and so would anyone else who cared.

09-25-2007, 01:41 PM
the campaign gets the same amount whether we use the code for that group or any other group.

Yes, very true. It was mainly directed to southerners.

The main point is that Nashville is behind in fundraising because we only have about a week and a half to get the word out about the rally and raise the money.

09-25-2007, 01:50 PM
I gotcha. I wasn't trying to rain on your parade or anything. We all have personal stakes in our territories, and it's good to see that you certainly do. I just don't see anything particularly strategic about donating using a code other than one that actually applies to you. Those codes are more to provide information to campaign HQ for their own benefit more than anything else. And I guess that if I really wanted to pick one place to make it look to outsiders like Paul's support there was extra-strong, I'd be just as likely to use a code for New Hampshire or Iowa as I would for anywhere else.