View Full Version : The Ten Commandments According to Obama

07-18-2009, 03:17 PM
The Ten Commandments According to Obama

I. Thou shalt have no God in America, except for me. For we are no longer a Christian nation and, after all, I am the chosen One. (And like God, I do not have a birth certificate.) SOURCE

II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, unless it is my face carved on Mt. Rushmore. SOURCE

III. Thou shalt not utter my middle name in vain (or in public). Only I can say Barack Hussein Obama. SOURCE

IV. Remember tax day, April 15th, to keep it holy. SOURCE

V. Honour thy father and thy mother until they are too old and sick to care for. They will cost our public-funded health-care system too much money. SOURCE

VI. Thou shalt not kill, unless you have an unwanted, unborn baby. For it would be an abomination to punish your daughter with a baby. SOURCE

VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery if you are conservative or a Republican. Liberals and Democrats are hereby forgiven for all of their infidelity and immorality, but the careers of conservatives will be forever destroyed. SOURCE

VIII. Thou shalt not steal, until you've been elected to public office. Only then is it acceptable to take money from hard-working, successful citizens and give it to those who do not work, illegal immigrants, or those who do not have the motivation to better their own lives. SOURCE

IX. Thou shalt not discriminate against thy neighbor unless they are conservative, Caucasian, or Christian. SOURCE

X. Thou shalt not covet because it is simply unnecessary. I will place such a heavy tax burden on those that have achieved the American Dream that, by the end of my term as President, nobody will have any wealth or material goods left for you to covet. SOURCE

07-18-2009, 03:25 PM
http://news.newsmax.com/?SKODXKnxRHNR15PLgtv1Xv1AeXbkxfR1S&http://patriotupdate.com/home/story/346/Obama_To_CBN_News_Were_No_Longer_Just_A_Christian_ Nation



http://news.newsmax.com/?S6IDXHe3DTqYi5LLgtv1XvHAnQbkxfU1S&http://patriotupdate.com/home/story/349/President_Obama_April_15th_Not_Everyones_Favorite_ Day

http://news.newsmax.com/?SKO6XKn3RYct1oLLgtv1Xv1AnXbzxJRAS&http://patriotupdate.com/home/story/156/Did_Obama_Say_We_Should_Kill_The_Old_Folks_To_Save _Money_Last_Night

http://news.newsmax.com/?S6ODYKnxDYqtioP4gYIAXR1BnXyzxfR1S&http://patriotupdate.com/home/story/350/Obamas_punished_With_A_Baby_Comment_Sparks_Protest s



http://news.newsmax.com/?SKODYHexRHbti5P4gYIAXRHBnQykxJR1S&http://patriotupdate.com/home/story/356/According_To_Janet_Napolitano_You_Are_A_Right_Wing _Extremist_If_You
