View Full Version : Outreach: The local paper actually published our letter to the editor!

07-06-2009, 07:53 PM
(recommend it)
http://www.thetowntalk.com/article/20090704/OPINION03/907020318/1017/NEWS17/Your-mail--Time-running-out?GID=fDojlEF2mq97Kv1dCCUT5vWc5O9ra4w8IlYl6wK0Km 4%3D

This letter was actually written by another member here and I redacted it some.
The comments looks positive too.
This was put into print, I'm getting a copy from my parents tomorrow.

Time Running Out

The central bank of the United States government - the Federal Reserve - thinks it needs a lobbyist to work in Congress against Dr. Ron Paul.

The Fed plans to hire an ex-Enron lobbyist to polish its public image. What a great achievement of Dr. Paul's, the Campaign for Liberty, the work on HR 1207 and the work of so many others and their activism and education, to make what Andrew Jackson called "the Monster" -- the all-powerful, globe-dominating, special-interest funding, bankster-enabling, dollar-depreciating, business cycle-generating central bank - worry about its image for the first time since 1913.

Dr. Ron Paul's presidential campaign alerted millions to the fact that we are being ripped off by the Fed. His "Audit the Fed" bill (226 co-sponsors) scares the heck out of them! And wait until his "End the Fed" manifesto is published this summer! They'll need a whole corps of lobbyists. Though no number of fixers will be able to protect this criminal counterfeiting gang when its time is up at last. Remember what Jackson said of the central bank of his day: "You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the grace of the eternal God, will rout you out!"

Brent Sanders

comment: http://www.thetowntalk.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=pluckcomments&key=20090704.thetowntalk.DK907020318.article.OPINI ON03&s=d

07-06-2009, 09:26 PM
I'm thinking about sending stuff in more often.
I know people read it, because I found out by getting a phone call from a friend that saw it.

07-06-2009, 10:17 PM
I'm thinking about sending stuff in more often.
I know people read it, because I found out by getting a phone call from a friend that saw it.

Yeah, I found out about an editorial I penned making it in a local paper from family the same way. Its a nice feeling

07-06-2009, 10:28 PM
I wrote a letter to my local paper that got published last week as well regarding the Fed audit. I didn't see it & couldn't find it online, but I had a bunch of friends & family e-mail me about it. I pretty much just used something someone else wrote on the boards. I spent a grand total of 25 seconds worth of work to get something in the newspaper. Not bad, right?

I say we do this more often. Someone with great writing skills could pen something up & share it with us to use. I'm all about doing this more often.

07-06-2009, 10:30 PM
I wrote a letter to my local paper that got published last week as well regarding the Fed audit. I didn't see it & couldn't find it online, but I had a bunch of friends & family e-mail me about it. I pretty much just used something someone else wrote on the boards. I spent a grand total of 25 seconds worth of work to get something in the newspaper. Not bad, right?

everyone needs to do this... it doesn't take long.
I redacted a letter someone got published in their paper (with permission of course)
and so anyone can use the above letter as the basis for a letter to your local paper.
I submitted mine online. copy and paste into form. didn't take long at all.
I may submit my best blog each month.

07-07-2009, 08:28 AM

07-07-2009, 08:46 AM
Someone needs to write a short and easy to understand letter we can submit that explains the hypocrisy that took place yesterday in the Senate.

07-07-2009, 09:05 AM
People, I only see the recommend link has a count of just 3? Don't be lazy, click the link and recommend it.

07-07-2009, 01:34 PM
Someone needs to write a short and easy to understand letter we can submit that explains the hypocrisy that took place yesterday in the Senate.

not sure how to capture the essence of that political theater in a few words.

07-07-2009, 01:46 PM

Anyone want to try to rebut "FXIM52"?

I have listened to a number of Paul's speeches during his abortive run for the Presidency during which I heard his say things about how we had to curtail or cut back on this government run program and how there was a need to completely eliminate this or that particular program. What I never heard was how he proposed to address the problem(s) or issues that these government oversaw. Like far too many republicans in Paul I saw just another individual that was real good at being critical and real lousy when it came to offering solutions.

I have no problem with the main portion of HR 1207, however, I am always suspicious of legislation that closes the intent portion of the Bill with the words "...and for other purposes." especially when these "other purposes" are not spelled out in a clear and unambiguous manner and until either that language is removed or the "other purposes" clarified I will oppose this legislation

07-07-2009, 02:09 PM

Anyone want to try to rebut "FXIM52"?

a. the solution is liberty. meaning the people solve the problem not the government.
that is why paul doesn't propose government solutions.
b. 1207 is written to audit a quasi-governmental banking cartel with monopoly power over our nations monetary system. there is no such thing as too much power for congress when it comes to the people knowing what their government is doing.

07-13-2009, 01:52 PM
It has been over a week since this letter was published, and I am still getting people telling me that they read my letter in the paper.
Every one of them had something positive to say about it and all agreed with me on the fed.
Are people waking up??
Can we help this process by writing more letters like this?
People will know that it is ok to feel this way about the fed.
I'm very positive today after the encounters I had...

07-13-2009, 11:46 PM
Last year I wrote a letter about ending the Fed and heard great things from a LOT of people... even folks that I thought would have considered it too radical were all atwitter :)

dr. hfn
07-14-2009, 12:52 AM
that was my letter! I also got a call from a random guy saying how true and good my letter was! It really is a great letter, here is my version: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=20048

07-14-2009, 08:13 AM
that was my letter! I also got a call from a random guy saying how true and good my letter was! It really is a great letter, here is my version: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=20048

I also thought some might find it too radical, but no- people agreed with the sentiment.
The historical reminder of Jackson was key.

07-14-2009, 02:39 PM
I still think we should have a thread with pre-made letters for all our Revolution concerns.
The Daily News in my area printed all my MIAC Letters to the Editor and rounded' up alot of support via conversations in the public communities. Our township called a mandatory meeting for all land owners in about a week of the letters, it was a very well needed listen for all round' my neck of the woods. That meeting reminded me of a Ron Paul rally. LOL I'm glad to be a part of it.

I sent the letter mentioned here and it was also printed.

07-14-2009, 02:44 PM
I still think we should have a thread with pre-made letters for all our Revolution concerns.
The Daily News in my area printed all my MIAC Letters to the Editor and rounded' up alot of support via conversations in the public communities. Our township called a mandatory meeting for all land owners in about a week of the letters, it was a very well needed listen for all round' my neck of the woods. That meeting reminded me of a Ron Paul rally. LOL I'm glad to be a part of it.

I sent the letter mentioned here and it was also printed.

And these letters do reach people, and it is free to do.