View Full Version : Health care from a liberty standpoint

07-03-2009, 10:34 AM
It seems health care just might be the one issue where acknowledging the main problem is even more taboo than acknowledging that prohibition is the main problem with street drugs. While it’s not all that uncommon anymore to hear people recommending that street-drug prohibition should be eliminated, how often do you hear people recommending the same thing about prescription drugs and the medical industry? How often do you hear people, even within these circles, advocating to eliminate the prescription-drug system and to deregulate the medical industry? Virtually never, I assume – even now that the topic is hot. It seems that “discussing health care” generally means playing a game, where the object is to see how many things you can say about the issue without ever actually addressing the core problem. Well I hate hypocrisy and love debating with it; so here’s the bait – IMO the answer to health care is to lower costs by deregulating the medical industry and allowing healthy competition, and eliminating the prescription-drug system and the FDA.

Could health care be the truest test of your liberty IQ?