View Full Version : Glenn Beck's Fake Crying Photoshoot?

06-30-2009, 12:30 AM
YouTube - Glenn Beck's Fake Crying Photoshoot (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKzgumzhvj0)


06-30-2009, 12:48 AM
I couldn't help myself:
YouTube - Rod Stewart-Young turks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgczlrYM4eI)

Glenn Beck is an entertainer trying to sell his books and get viewers. What else would you expect?

dr. hfn
06-30-2009, 01:06 AM
i don't trust him. he is too pro-war and pro-drug war. he profits from what he does so i don't know if he is legit. however....he is a great tool we can use!

06-30-2009, 07:06 AM
Beck is a self-absorbed attention seeker and would sell out any ideal or individual if it got him more money or attention (therefore leading back to more money). He is also pro-war and anti-liberty unless someone infringes upon his personnal rights and pet issues. This makes him incrdeibly dangerous because he poisons the well and gives neo-cons the capacity to morph into a liberty movement and twist it for their own personnal benefit while inflicting their pet limitations.

06-30-2009, 07:31 AM
A half a truth is more dangerous than a full lie. This is the point most people don't get, and why it is so effective. He gets to the truth on some issues, and mixes it with the most bizarre flat out lies.

By telling the truth he gains credibility enough to fool a great many people. Than he completely poisons this truth with a concoction of neoconism, fake tears, and lies.

Before you know it, would be patriots are seeing grey in areas like pre-emptive wars, torture, patriot act...some may start to see true libertarians as whacky, dangerous, and start believing that they are the enemy.

Read up on propaganda techniques. This guy is a tool. Some weeks he will be 95% truth, and then BOOM out of nowhere he will reveal his true colors. He is a snake.