View Full Version : Chat With John Stossel Tonight

06-25-2009, 02:46 PM

06-25-2009, 05:22 PM

06-25-2009, 05:33 PM
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06-25-2009, 05:34 PM

06-25-2009, 06:00 PM
One would think a libertarian would have an open chatroom, lol

06-25-2009, 06:03 PM
this is cool, but i don't have any questions to ask.

06-25-2009, 06:05 PM
He's answered two of my questions so far.

06-25-2009, 06:08 PM
I am watching but don't have any questions

06-25-2009, 06:21 PM
Awesome!! Thanks

06-25-2009, 06:23 PM
I just saw "Conza" - how many can there be?

06-25-2009, 06:24 PM
One would think a libertarian would have an open chatroom, lol

I didn't have to register...?

06-25-2009, 06:26 PM
I didn't have to register either

06-25-2009, 06:26 PM
I sent a question asking why his interview with Ron Paul during the presidential campaign ended up being internet only.

06-25-2009, 06:27 PM
I sent a question asking why his interview with Ron Paul during the presidential campaign ended up being internet only.

excellent question

06-25-2009, 06:28 PM
I didn't have to register...?

I mean, questions are monitored and spaced out, not a big deal I guess, just saying, lol.

06-25-2009, 06:28 PM
He answered one of my questions. I agreed with his answer.

06-25-2009, 06:28 PM
my question never came up. :(

06-25-2009, 06:29 PM
my question never came up. :(

ran out of time. I'm sure there were far too many questions.

06-25-2009, 06:29 PM
I got a question in! :D

06-25-2009, 06:29 PM
There was ~ a 20 minute delay from when my question was sent and answered, and I asked toward the beginning. I imagine the backlog only kept increasing from there.

06-25-2009, 06:30 PM
I got a question in! :D

Which was yours? Were you An American?

06-25-2009, 06:30 PM
There was ~ a 20 minute delay from when my question was sent and answered, and I asked toward the beginning. I imagine the backlog only kept increasing from there.

which question was yours?

This live chat thing is great. Congressmen should hold one of these daily for an hour.

06-25-2009, 06:31 PM
I sent a question asking why his interview with Ron Paul during the presidential campaign ended up being internet only.
Someone said they asked him at a college. He said he pushed for it to air, but the producers didn't think it would bring in enough viewers or something.

06-25-2009, 06:32 PM
Someone said they asked him at a college. He said he pushed for it to air, but the producers didn't think it would bring in enough viewers or something.

lolz. Thanks for the laugh! Stupid producers.

06-25-2009, 06:33 PM
Which was yours? Were you An American?

Im in denmark. I asked:

"Can you tell us about some of the stories you have been prevented from airing during your career and the reasons why?"

He said:

"Not while ABC is paying me"

06-25-2009, 06:34 PM
Im in denmark. I asked:

"Can you tell us about some of the stories you have been prevented from airing during your career and the reasons why?"

He said:

"Not while ABC is paying me"

Saw that. Had to laught at his answer there. :)

06-25-2009, 06:35 PM

06-25-2009, 06:36 PM
That's a good one!

Here's a transcript for posterity:



Chat With John Stossel

Radley Balko: Good evening everyone. Thanks for stopping by. And many thanks to John Stossel for agreeing to chat.
Radley Balko: John, I'll start with a quick question. You were a left-leaning consumer reporter before you became a libertarian. Do you think libertarians have more in common with the right or the left these days? Does it make sense to cast our lot with either side?
John Stossel: Beats me. I thought social conservatives' religious beliefs would make it impossible for them to be open to my ideas, and that the Left would be open to reason. That hasn't been my experience.
John Stossel: I sincerly tried to convince Al Franken. He was a neighbor. I failed. He was nasty
[Comment From James Anderson Merritt]
What does Mr. Stossel think of doing an "homage" to the TV series "Life After People," called "Life After Health Plans," which asks viewers to consider what would happen to (our) world if Medicare and private health plans simply disappeared overnight? I find the L.A.P. approach to be particularly accessible, and I think that we need compelling explanatory media of that caliber to counter the relentless propaganda for ObamaCare. Would Stossel or someone he recommends be willing to tackle such a project before ObamaCare or something worse is a done deal?
John Stossel: I'm doing a short rebuttal to Obamacare tomorrow night on 20/20. I don't know Life after People.

Medical care would be better and cheaper if we paid for things ourselves rather than relying on "plans". I will keep arguing for that.

Lasik surgery keeps getting cheaper, and the doctors give out their home phone numbers. It happens because customers pay themselves. That's what makes markets work well for consumers.
[Comment From eric]
does abc embrace you? or tolerate you?
John Stossel: Tolerate.
[Comment From Mark]
How do we approach leftists who claim that healthcare is a "fundamental right"?
John Stossel: I'd say, "you have a fundamental right to take OTHER people's money?"
[Comment From Robert M.]
What convinced you to become a libertarian?
John Stossel: i write about that in Give Me a Break. Too long an answer for this forum.

but basicallly...i stopped being stupid.
[Comment From Matthew]
Some reports I've heard indicate that younger people are more libertarian. Yet, the college age people I speak with don't seem to be very libertarian. What are your thoughts on that? Is there a growing libertarian majority or is that just wishful thinking?
John Stossel: not a majority certainly!

But there is a Students for Liberty group that had David Boaz and me speak in Phili. That was new, and exciting.

Maybe these things happen suddenly. A tipping point?
[Comment From Ross N.]
have you considered doing a special on foreign policy or war? I would love to see a prime time special with some libertarian critics of war.
John Stossel: I don't know enough about war.
I like to stick to what I've reported on
[Comment From Mike Walsh]
John – you appear to stand alone on Libertarian Island amongst prominent members of the news media. Are there others who are more Libertarian than we may think they are? Do you feel like you have “converted” anyone, if not in total than on one or two hot button issues like the drug war?
John Stossel: It is lonely. I've half-converted a few. The drug war part is the easiest. The government welfare argument is tougher. I don't know of any other libertarians in the msm. Glenn Beck has gotten it, and so its nice that he's so popular.
[Comment From Greg Newburn]
John, you mentioned to me once that covering stories like prison rape wouldn't work for your "Give Me a Break" segments. What do you think is the most effective way to get stories like the ones Radley covers into the mainstream press?
John Stossel: Greg? Are you my former intern? before i answer, what are u doing now?
[Comment From John]
We know you are a libertarian, but how small do you really want government? What are the only things it should do, if anything?
John Stossel: protect our personal safery. Enforce contracts. Pass and enforce LIMITED environmental rules.
[Comment From John]
Was there any debate at all at ABC about having you participate in last night's health infomercial?
John Stossel: None from ABC that reached me.
John Stossel: abolish the Dept of Agriculture
[Comment From Frank N.]
If you could make one major policy change at the federal level tomorrow, what would it be?
[Comment From Kristie]
I'd love to see you do a report on atheists and nonbelievers in America.
John Stossel: i did one. Profiled a HS girl who harassed in her Christian town
[Comment From Marty]
What books would you recommend to someone just getting interested in libertarianism?
John Stossel: Chas murray: in pursuit of happiness and good govt
Hazlitt: Econ in One Lesson
Hayek: Road to Serfdom, or if you're REALLY serious: the Constitution of Liberty
Rand: Atlas Shrugged
Block: Defending the Undefendable
And MY BOOKS of course! Theyr'e the best!
[Comment From Judi]
I kind of rode the 'fence' when it came to politics in my youth. Now that I am older and have life's experience under my belt, my views have changed. Do you think that aging has anything to do with anyone's choice to 'stop being stupid'?
John Stossel: yes. I had no serious opinions beyond sports until I was 35. Then I was ready to think harder. My highly opinionated friends when I was at Princeton are than and now mostly clueless libs.
[Comment From Mark Mc]
John what about Hugh Downs when he said in an advocate for self government interview that for the US to succeed it would be the LP or their philosophy that would lead it
John Stossel: His son is a libertarian. He favored legal drugs, but otherwise showed no visible political opinions when I worked with him.
[Comment From Greg Newburn]
Yes: you're not going to like the answer: teaching economics at a high school in Florida (still trying to avoid being a lawyer).
John Stossel: why would I not like that answer? are u using stosseintheclassroom videos (free to teachers)? Better teaching than suing!
You were one of my best interns.
[Comment From Barrett]
Judge Andrew Napolitano at Fox News is a good libertarian, too, and focuses on civil liberties. Would be great to see him get his own show.
John Stossel: yes yes yes
[Comment From Guest]
my understanding on health care is that Roosevelt wage restrictions caused employers to start offering health care and other benefits to entice employees to work for them- why is this not ground zero in the debate on health care and unintended consequences for the mess we're in?
John Stossel: It's true that that is how it started. Now the tax deduction for corporate health care preserves the stupid system. On my blog I like to a good column on that by David Brooks. Even tho he's a big govt conservative, he sometimes gets thing very right.
[Comment From Guest]
How long do you expect global warming hysteria to continue?
John Stossel: One more year. Then there will be a new hysteria.
[Comment From Guest]
john, does abc talk to you about your ratings, and if so, do they suggest topics to encourage to be ratings active?
John Stossel: yes.
Diet. Crime. Celebrities...
[Comment From Eric Hanneken]
Libertarians seem to be petitioning you to get their message out. How do you feel about that? Do you accept that responsibility?
John Stossel: We ALL have that responsiblity.
[Comment From Edwin Sheldon]
John: Clarence Thomas had the audacity to say that stripping a 13-year-old to her panties in order to fight the War on Advil in Schools did not constitute a strip search. Do you have any comments regarding the SCOTUS decision? Should we strip search Clarence Thomas?
John Stossel: it was 8 to 1 and Thomas voted for the search? didnt know that! Radley, is it true?
[Comment From Robert Stratton]
Have you found any recent free market role models ala TJ Rodgers whom you think are worth showcasing?
John Stossel: Maybe the head of a SC bank, BB and T, who gives out copies of Atlas Shrugged. Forget his name.
[Comment From Mark Mc]
John who was your most receptive coworker On Air?
John Stossel: Hugh Downs
[Comment From Andy Wright]
How about a show on police abuse? It's out of control. We are treated like an enemy. Verbal abuse, children and old ladies tasered, police investigating themselves and paid time off as punishment. The people are scared of the police.
John Stossel: I'm game. Get me dramatic video of police abuse. Video drives the story. The Rodney King beating educated lots of people.
[Comment From Ben Malec]
I'm aware of "Stossel in the Classroom", but what other side-projects, if any, are you working on? Do you have any interests other than politics which motivate you?
John Stossel: Beach Volleyball
[Comment From Charlie]
Do you think we will be threatened, in the event of financial collapse, by the Dept of Ag for growing and raising our own food?
John Stossel: no
John Stossel: Leave people alone
[Comment From Brian Lockwood]
Speaking of Religion, if you could describe your moral code in a single sentence, what would it be?
John Stossel: leave people alone
[Comment From Slim Jim]
Would you ever consider running for office? I think one reason why libertarians never get elected is because all of the smart ones wisely shun politics. Or they're out contributing to society. Of course, that also means only the crazies are left over. Which means we get to chose between two statists. How do we resolve all of that?
John Stossel: I would not. Seems like a horrible experience. I hope to accomplish more just talking and writing.
[Comment From Greg Newburn]
(especially the first book!)
[Comment From Ray Rudolph]
I'm (mostly) of the opinion that the large government types (both left and right) are so deeply intrenched that we've passed the point of rehab and need to start over (whatever that means). Do you think that real change can be effected without another 1776?
John Stossel: I dunno. Sometimes I wonder if Japan and Germany thrived after WWiI only because they were bombed and had to start over.

On the other hand, its a fatal conceit to predict such things. I never expected welfare reform to pass.
[Comment From Andy Wright]
I would like to see you counter Diane Sawyer's biased look at guns. Her classroom experiment was a complete farce.
John Stossel: if you look at the 20/20 website, you will see that i have done...different...reporting on guns.
[Comment From Andrew]
Do you see yourself as an advocate for capitalism primarily because it works or because it's the most moral (favoring and protecting individuals over groups)?
John Stossel: Both. But seeing that it works was what started turning my brain around.

I had to read much more to start thinking about it being moral.
[Comment From Mattocracy]
Do you think there will ever be a serious back lash against the nanny statism that is becoming so prevalent in America?
John Stossel: Maybe there will be a tipping point. but I'm not hopeful.

I'm amazed at how the smokers rolled over when the health police banned them from even assemblilng in their own bars. When I did a story on that, the only smoker who was really angry on camera was an immigrant. Every American I asked just accepted it.
[Comment From Ram]
Why do you think there is so little coverage of the consequences of cap and trade/energy bill? Are the big players unconcerned about the consequences or there is whole bunch of money to be made from these trading schemes?
John Stossel: I think there's less coverage because they don't have the votes to pass it. The congressmen from states that would be hurt most seem to have curbed it.
[Comment From John S]
How effective do you feel your reports are at reaching an audience beyond those predisposed to agreeing with you? Do you feel you're simply preaching to the choir on many topics?
John Stossel: sometimes.

But we have to keep trying.

Letter I've gotten from readers of Give Me a Break give me hope that I open eyes before they've formed biases.
[Comment From mark hocamp]
John, in your book, Give Me A Break, you talk about rich people being the largest welfare brats in this country. Of course we see the recent bailouts as an example of this but do you see any other examples as of late that we can apply to this? It seems to me that this demonstration of senselessness on the part of the govt would convert lefties to the libertarians' cause!
John Stossel: The bailouts aren't enough?!

I too thought that would be what would open the brains of the Left (Al franken?), but...not so far.
[Comment From Graham]
John, What do you think have been Obama's best and worst moves since he became President?
John Stossel: Worst: All the spending and bailouts
Best: Killing that fly on tv.
[Comment From Frank Ney]
Any plans to cover the recent failings of TSA? For example the applicant who was turned down for HIV, the recent court decision about searches and the active lawsuit from the C4L staffer?
John Stossel: I'd like to. When the were first created, when the Senate voted for it 100 to 0 and Tom Daschle said "you can't professionalize if you don't federalize," I reported that Israel and other countries had given up on federal security and moved back to private contractors. You can fire the contractor. You can't fire the govt.
[Comment From Ryan]
With moves like making you an anchor, and airing shows like The Goode Family, ABC seems to be offering a (hint of) libertarian flavour in network programming that doesn't really seem to exist elsewhere. From your experience with the network, would you say this is by design or a coincidence?
John Stossel: Coincidence.

Also, remember that The Goode Family comes from ABC Entertainment. ABC News is run by entirely different people. Different cities even.
[Comment From brian]
why do you think for some people are able to change their beliefs as they age (think David Horowitz) while others are stuck with what they believe when they were in their 20s?
John Stossel: beat me.
[Comment From Maury]
Should journalists try to be objective, or should they let their biases be known, and let readers/viewers take that into account when assessing their stories?
John Stossel: I think both are valid.

And reporters should acknoledge their belief system.

When i was a consumer reporter, I was biased against companies. No one complained. I won emmies.
When i started criticizing regulation, then I was accused of having bias.
[Comment From Matt]
What do you think makes the welfare argument tougher than the drug war argument?
John Stossel: you want to let the poor starve!
[Comment From dsmallwood]
John, are you branded are "heartless" by your colleagues? And since libertarians should be logical and dispassionate, how does a liberty loving person avoid this label?
John Stossel: yes

By being smarter than I at explaining how freedom is BETTER for even the poor and the weak.
[Comment From Mark Mc]
I would like to see John and The Judge do a show. What are the chances?
John Stossel: i'd never get a word in.

Actually, we've done a few. Strategy room on Fox
[Comment From Greg Newburn]
Thanks, John. And yes, I use them! Believe me, public schools are even worse than you think.
John Stossel: So get a video camera, record the horrors, and I'll put it in another Stupid in America show!
[Comment From Sean]
As a libertarian, what is your opinion of our government's foreign affairs policy, in particular the Middle East and our role as advocate for democracy?
John Stossel: I think we should butt out. That we create more enemies by being there.

But Natan Sharansky knows more about that than I, and he argues that I'm totally wrong.
[Comment From Conza]
Do you have total control over the show? Have you ever had pressure to not do a topic, from the execs?
John Stossel: i have control over most. I can decline stores. I have had many rejected (usually) before they've been shot.

All are read by a usually hostile liberal lawyer, and liberal editor, and they demand changes.
[Comment From Gabriel]
Speaking of welfare, in the spirit of Freidman, would you endorse a universal basic welfare entitlement -- a ""dignity guarantee" of sufficient food shelter and medicine -- as an alternative to the myriad middle-class, union, agricultural, and corporate welfare subsidies that government currently provides to placate a variety of different constituencies?
John Stossel: Sure. Its turns off so many to be a pure libertarian today, and to try to explain that the poor would do better with truly limited government. We could certainly afford a "dignity guarantee."
[Comment From Matthew-Denmark]
Can you tell us about some of the stories that you have been prevented from airing during your career and the reasons why?
John Stossel: Not while ABC is paying me
[Comment From An American]
Have you heard of Greg Palast, says nearly 6million votes not counted in 2008, or Naomi Wolf? I'd like to see them on prime time interviews.
John Stossel: I interviewed Wolf once.
I don't get her. Or the feminist "victim" crowd.

She then told a friend of my wife that "Stossel doesnt get it"
[Comment From Bruno]
Parden me for not knowing, but do you have anything you have done recently against Cap n Tax or Global Warming...er, I mean "Climate Change"?
John Stossel: go to youtube and google Stossel Global Warming and u will see what I've done.
Radley Balko: Looks like our hour is up.

I want to thank John for his time tonight, and to all of you for the great turnout for questions. We had way, way more than he had time to answer.

Be sure to add John's blog to your regular reading, and to catch his report on the health care debate tomorrow night on ABC.

The host has disabled reader comments.
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06-25-2009, 06:37 PM
Saw that. Had to laught at his answer there. :)

I told him to stick it to the man and answer anyway - but time ran out :)

06-25-2009, 06:39 PM
I'm aware of "Stossel in the Classroom", but what other side-projects, if any, are you working on? Do you have any interests other than politics which motivate you?

8:01 John Stossel: Beach Volleyball


06-25-2009, 06:42 PM

Is that a floating drink?! That's the coolest thing ever, I want one too!

06-25-2009, 06:42 PM

06-25-2009, 08:12 PM
cool q&a, thanks

06-25-2009, 08:36 PM
;) I was "An American" I hope he goes off and finds out who Greg Palast is, if he doesn't know. I'm glad he knows Naomi Wolf.

Palast and Wolf both seem to be Democrats. Both are helping us a bit, similar to "Beck". Greg Palast knows about "Economic Hit Man" and NWO.