View Full Version : REPORT: The 25-Year Quagmire: The War on Drugs

09-23-2007, 03:50 PM
abstract from http://sentencing.typepad.com/sentencing_law_and_policy/2007/09/new-sentencing-.html

just received this notice in my e-mail in-box:

The Sentencing Project has released a new report that examines the burden of the "war on drugs" on the criminal justice system and American communities. "A 25-Year Quagmire: The War on Drugs and Its Impact on American Society" assesses the strategy of combating drug abuse primarily with enhanced punishments at the expense of investments in treatment and prevention. The report documents how the drug war has produced a record expansion of prison and jail systems and highlights additional indicators of the war's impact on the criminal justice system and communities....

The report [available here] (http://sentencingproject.org/Admin/Documents/publications/dp_25yearquagmire.pdf) also provides policy recommendations that can help effectively reinvest government resources in community safety by encouraging comprehensive drug treatment and prevention strategies to address drug addiction.

Direct link to report: http://sentencingproject.org/Admin/Documents/publications/dp_25yearquagmire.pdf

09-23-2007, 03:57 PM
Poppycock. We're in the final throws. If we stop fighting the war on drugs, the drugs will just follow us home.