View Full Version : July 4, Tea Party with G. Edward Griffin, Conejo Community Park, Thousand Oaks

06-22-2009, 06:47 AM
Conejo Community Park in California - Tea Party with G. Edward Griffin

When: July 4 - 1:00 PM

but come earlier to picnic/bbq and stay later to hear a 50-piece orchestra performing patriotic and Americana music at 5:00 p.m., followed by fireworks.

Conejo Community Park
1175 Hendrix Ave, Thousand Oaks

The next nationwide TEA Party is July 4! We’re keeping the spirit alive and the momentum building, to let Congress and our California Legislature know our message is serious: We are Taxed Enough Already and Government is Taking Us Over a Cliff!

We are pleased to announce that G. Edward Griffin (Creature From Jekyll Island) will speak. There couldn’t be a better speaker anywhere on the planet to speak at a Tea Party!

Bring: Flags and non-partisan signs about Freedom, Liberty, our Constitution, Declaration of Independence, taxes, spending, bloated government, Federal Reserve-caused inflation, etc.

It will be HOT so, if you want to spend the day here, you might bring an umbrella for shade, a chair or blanket to sit on, and water to drink. (Some big trees are scattered around the flat & hilly grassy area to sit under.)
Some picnic tables are available, including 20 under a roof, but come very early if you’d like one, because this park always draws a huge crowd on the 4th of July. (They will be our audience, who we hope to entice to join our movement.)

Contact: Carolyn - (805) 262-2477 or teapartythousandoaks@yahoo.com


06-22-2009, 08:19 AM