View Full Version : Gingrich's 12 Solutions for America

06-14-2009, 07:24 AM
My wife got this in her email today.

Gingrich's Group Offers 12 Solutions for America

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's political organization is offering 12 steps America should take to get the nation "back on the path to prosperity."

Gingrich is general chairman of American Solutions for Winning the Future, which he founded in 2007. The group has taken out a full-page ad in USA Today headlined "12 American Solutions for Jobs and Prosperity."

The ad, signed by hundreds of people from around the country, criticizes the "failed Washington model of bailouts, deficit spending and a bloated federal bureaucracy," and calls on President Obama and Congress to act immediately on these 12 measures:

* Create a payroll tax credit to help workers and small businesses.
* Cut the 25 percent marginal tax rate to 15 percent.
* Reduce the business tax rate.
* Stabilize housing prices by providing tax credits so responsible home buyers can avoid foreclosures.
* Control federal spending and move to a balanced budget.
* End Medicare fraud by requiring states to adopt anti-theft and anti-fraud measures.
* Develop more American energy.
* Abolish taxes on capital gains.
* Protect workers' right to vote in a secret ballot before being forced to join a union.
* Replace the Sarbanes-Oxley law regulating corporations' accounting practices.
* Abolish the death tax.
* Invest in infrastructure, including a new electric grid.

12 solutions? Looks like he's using the same marketing firm that designed the 9/12 project. :rolleyes:

06-14-2009, 07:35 AM
Sigh...they had 6 years to do this. Instead we got warmongering socialism. Much of this platform is not an issue of the federal govt.

06-14-2009, 07:38 AM
In a few instances, these groups have leaders who come right out of the ranks of the Council on Foreign Relations. In the case of Newt Gingrich, one has to marvel that the man who took control of the conservative groundswell in the early 1990s and misdirected it into supporting big government and foreign entanglements such as NAFTA, is back once again, paddling in front of the wave to steer it as before. This time his reemergence seems to be part of a bid for the Presidency.

We are very interested in witnessing the attempt of these few to steer grassroots efforts into promoting Newt Gingrich and a constitutional convention. Their main tactic for promoting change is a public demonstration.


06-14-2009, 09:13 AM
About half of these suggestions involve more government.

Brooklyn Red Leg
06-14-2009, 09:21 AM
Contract on America 2.0. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fuck you Newt, you had your chance and you blew it. Just another NeoCon douchebag. He can spout on about Alexis de Tocqueville all he wants. He failed to live up to being a Conservative. He's just one more obstacle in reclaiming the Constitution from government thugs.

06-14-2009, 10:54 AM
Nate's 1st solution for America.

Stop listening to Newt Gingrich.

I'll come up with 11 more later. I think the first one is a good start though.

Anti Federalist
06-14-2009, 11:05 AM
Contract on America 2.0. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fuck you Newt, you had your chance and you blew it. Just another NeoCon douchebag. He can spout on about Alexis de Tocqueville all he wants. He failed to live up to being a Conservative. He's just one more obstacle in reclaiming the Constitution from government thugs.

Yeah, that.:mad:

06-14-2009, 11:14 AM
The very fact that Newt says he has solutions that if enacted on a national level would solve many of the problems exhibits his quite liberal leanings against true federalism.

Hey Newt, how bout get the national gov't the hell out of the way; stop tinkering around the edges and get rid of the income tax and trash most (if not all) of the national dept's of control.

06-14-2009, 11:54 AM
The very fact that Newt says he has solutions that if enacted on a national level would solve many of the problems exhibits his quite liberal leanings against true federalism.
Exactly. It's the folly of many Republicans who think they can run the country better than the Democrats. While nobody thinks of McCain as being very conservative, when he debated Obama I just heard two central-planners argue over who's ideas were better.

06-14-2009, 12:08 PM
Nate's 1st solution for America.

Stop listening to Newt Gingrich.

I'll come up with 11 more later. I think the first one is a good start though.

I like this one better.

06-14-2009, 01:16 PM
The very fact that Newt says he has solutions that if enacted on a national level would solve many of the problems exhibits his quite liberal leanings against true federalism.

Hey Newt, how bout get the national gov't the hell out of the way; stop tinkering around the edges and get rid of the income tax and trash most (if not all) of the national dept's of control.

But, but the talkin man on the picture box told me Ol' Newtie is the candidate that speaks to the conservative base of the party.

Old Ducker
06-14-2009, 03:04 PM
Gingrich's plan to preserve oligarchical rule:

1) Marginalize Ron Paul
2) Convince a gullible public that the same but less equals change
3) Start a war somewhere
4) Have a few martinis and go whoring with Bernancke.

06-14-2009, 03:12 PM
Is it to early to make a prediction?
What the heck, here goes.
I believe our next President will be Republican Newt Gingrich.
There. I said it.
He can talk very well and on point, which is something hardly any of the past elections Republican candidates could do and he will have quite a lot to talk about come the next election as far as the Democratic party goes.
Democrats are toast, however all of the evil work they get done between now and then will stick.
Anyone else running against Newt will be marginalized the way they always are.
Obama will marginalize himself.

06-14-2009, 05:13 PM
Newt's list reminds me of Bernie Madoff's positions...

06-14-2009, 05:19 PM
My wife got this in her email today.

Gingrich's Group Offers 12 Solutions for America

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's political organization is offering 12 steps America should take to get the nation "back on the path to prosperity."

Gingrich is general chairman of American Solutions for Winning the Future, which he founded in 2007. The group has taken out a full-page ad in USA Today headlined "12 American Solutions for Jobs and Prosperity."

The ad, signed by hundreds of people from around the country, criticizes the "failed Washington model of bailouts, deficit spending and a bloated federal bureaucracy," and calls on President Obama and Congress to act immediately on these 12 measures:

* Create a payroll tax credit to help workers and small businesses.
* Cut the 25 percent marginal tax rate to 15 percent.
* Reduce the business tax rate.
* Stabilize housing prices by providing tax credits so responsible home buyers can avoid foreclosures.
* Control federal spending and move to a balanced budget.
* End Medicare fraud by requiring states to adopt anti-theft and anti-fraud measures.
* Develop more American energy.
* Abolish taxes on capital gains.
* Protect workers' right to vote in a secret ballot before being forced to join a union.
* Replace the Sarbanes-Oxley law regulating corporations' accounting practices.
* Abolish the death tax.
* Invest in infrastructure, including a new electric grid.

12 solutions? Looks like he's using the same marketing firm that designed the 9/12 project. :rolleyes:

THIS. This is EXACTLY why it is such horseshit for ostensibly "new and improved" candidates to think that they will change the Republican party before the Republican party changes them.

NEWT GINGRICH is still a standard bearer? Could we possibly GET any more Old Guard?

This much I know. The Republican Old Guard is NOT Friend to the Liberty Mooovement, NOR with the Smaller Government Mooovement . . . except in a slash and burn some-people-are-more-equal-than-others-and-some-people-don't-count-at-all kinda way.

Let's see what we got here.

* Create a payroll tax credit to help workers and small businesses.

New tax = moving in the wrong direction, ideologically, + administrative costs + opportunity for graft

* Cut the 25 percent marginal tax rate to 15 percent.
* Reduce the business tax rate.

All fine and well, but as per usual it favors those who least need favoring. He's Old Guard. Pro Money. That's all fine and well, too, as far as it goes. Fiscal sense is better than fiscal nonsense, no doubt about it. But we are all outta whack. One percent of the population holding nearly a quarter of the wealth is NOT a sustainable paradigm. As we see.

This is same-old-same-old Trickle Down falderal -- heavy on theory, light on results. It does not take Human Nature into consideration, neither Greed nor Cowardice.

Anything same-old-same-old is not the order of the day when, by every measure, your country is in its worst shape EVER. The Reasonable mind HAS to go with Dr. Phil on this one, OUR BEST THINKING GOT US HERE.

* Stabilize housing prices by providing tax credits so responsible home buyers can avoid foreclosures.

I would kindly but firmly encourage people to note the difference between homeowners and home "buyers." If they were responsible home "buyers" of the responsible homeowner variety, it is unlikely that foreclosure would be imminent.

I was in a shop today wherein a television was playing in the background. There was an infomercial for purchase of "tax foreclosure" homes . . . in the $180 to $550 dollar range. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DOLLARS and FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS.

Do NOT NOT NOT prop up the bottom. The responsible homeowners, who are not being threatened with eviction, WILL see the integrity of their investments restored in their lifetimes. That's what counts, is it not? That the crowning achievements of your life's work will security in your old age? NO ONE is getting out of this without taking a hit.

But a man-made bottom REWARDS irresponsibility, whichever way you cut the cake. The responsible homeowners, for all their discipline and care, will not be one step further ahead than the people who have been careening around with reckless abandon.

And more than ANYONE, a false bottom mitigates the losses of the Players.

* Control federal spending and move to a balanced budget.

Pure genius. Why has no one thought of this before?

It's like writing 'Do Items On To Do List" on a To Do list.

* End Medicare fraud by requiring states to adopt anti-theft and anti-fraud measures.


Enforce the anti-theft and anti-fraud measures that we already have. Prosecute doctors AND LAWYERS to the fullest extent of the law, including do not hesitate to throw their asses in the same Draconian prisons that Old Guard Republicans seem almost gleeful to condemn Pot Smokers.

* Develop more American energy.

The obvious becomes only suddenly apparent.

* Abolish taxes on capital gains.

For he's a jolly good fellow, eh?

Not that the objective isn't to bring ALL taxes down, because it is. However, comma, let's get the Middle Class off the brink of extinction before we worry about the Passive Income that typically falls to Rich People.

* Protect workers' right to vote in a secret ballot before being forced to join a union.

Big fan of secret ballots, especially now that I know what Scaredy Cats we are.

* Replace the Sarbanes-Oxley law regulating corporations' accounting practices.

It is IMPERATIVE that we "regress" to standardly acceptable accounting standards, without which it would be INSANITY to reinvest Confidence in the market.

In a society that treasures money like we do, screwy accounting should elicit career-derailing consequences.

* Abolish the death tax.

Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.

It's not a death tax, it's an Estate Tax. Raise the tax-free limit to an amount that 95% of Americans shall never surpass. Ten million? Twenty-five million? Fifty million? What amount ought a successful person be able to bequeath without penalty? Above that, tax the hell out of it.

Yes, I KNOW that government spends money like a drunken sailor. Even THAT is better than leaving astounding fortunes to stroke-of-luck-at-birth Trophy Children. A burgeoning American Aristocracy is at the very heart of our troubles.

* Invest in infrastructure, including a new electric grid.

Yes and yes. But with an emphasis on prevalent light rail and AFFORDABLE TRAVEL. People are a nation's principal resource. If they can't afford to get around and have a look-see, the chance that they just happen to be ideally situated is pretty remote.

06-14-2009, 09:38 PM
Great points.
The American people bought the Obama horseshit though so what makes anyone think that after four years of Obama the right wingers who are far from any minority by the way, won't buy the Newt Gingrich horseshit.
They are ready to buy it right now I think.
Three more years and they will be begging for smooth Newt to bust a move.
We're a nation of blithering idiots.

06-14-2009, 10:03 PM
Don't the neocons realize that this douche became irrelevant when he went after Clinton for getting a hummer rather than for selling secrets to China? I think somebody should inform Sean "The Great American" Hannity. I would, but I like to see him make an ass of himself.

06-14-2009, 10:33 PM
How short do they think our memory is???
But by 2012 most will think anything will be better than four more years of Obama, I sadly agree he will be a front runner.

06-14-2009, 11:13 PM
Is it to early to make a prediction?
What the heck, here goes.
I believe our next President will be Republican Newt Gingrich.
There. I said it.
He can talk very well and on point, which is something hardly any of the past elections Republican candidates could do and he will have quite a lot to talk about come the next election as far as the Democratic party goes.
Democrats are toast, however all of the evil work they get done between now and then will stick.
Anyone else running against Newt will be marginalized the way they always are.
Obama will marginalize himself.

As is the grand design. I'm predicting maybe a Gingrich-Sanford or Gingrich-Romney ticket for 2012, and a terrified/enraged populace begging for "strong leadership to lift us back from the brink" or some such rubbish.

Whether its enacted before 2012 or shortly after, whether a Democrat or Republican is in office, we're on the fast track for a fascist dictatorship.

06-15-2009, 02:43 AM
The Problem Reaction Solution strategy reels so many idiots in with giving people hope in more mainstream, bought-and-paid-for politicians.

06-15-2009, 03:33 AM

06-15-2009, 06:21 AM
I've had a couple of calls from the Newt camp over the past few months, and am surprised that more people have not reported the same experience. One call was from Newt's organization, and another was from some other 'American Conservative' group (forgot the name) in support of Newt. I suspect they targeted me as a registered Republican who donated large amounts to Ron Paul.

I gave both of them an earful about Newt's betrayal of his 'Contract for America' and said that Newt had some serious explaining to do before I'd ever trust him again. On the first call, I spoke to the lady caller about the Federal Reserve, and scored some major points with her. She had never heard about the Fed before and was very interested. The second caller presented the 12 point plan, and I ridiculed it as more big government BS, and that if Newt was serious about fixing the federal government, he'd talk about cutting it down to its Constitutional limits.

I wish they'd call again; dressing down Newt is very cathartic.

06-15-2009, 06:42 AM
I've had a couple of calls from the Newt camp over the past few months, and am surprised that more people have not reported the same experience. One call was from Newt's organization, and another was from some other 'American Conservative' group (forgot the name) in support of Newt. I suspect they targeted me as a registered Republican who donated large amounts to Ron Paul.

I gave both of them an earful about Newt's betrayal of his 'Contract for America' and said that Newt had some serious explaining to do before I'd ever trust him again. On the first call, I spoke to the lady caller about the Federal Reserve, and scored some major points with her. She had never heard about the Fed before and was very interested. The second caller presented the 12 point plan, and I ridiculed it as more big government BS, and that if Newt was serious about fixing the federal government, he'd talk about cutting it down to its Constitutional limits.

I wish they'd call again; dressing down Newt is very cathartic.

I was getting the same calls. Finally I was home when they called and I told them I don't give soft money and I'm not giving anything to a fake conservative. They haven't called since.

06-15-2009, 07:34 AM
I've had a couple of calls from the Newt camp over the past few months, and am surprised that more people have not reported the same experience. One call was from Newt's organization, and another was from some other 'American Conservative' group (forgot the name) in support of Newt. I suspect they targeted me as a registered Republican who donated large amounts to Ron Paul.

I gave both of them an earful about Newt's betrayal of his 'Contract for America' and said that Newt had some serious explaining to do before I'd ever trust him again. On the first call, I spoke to the lady caller about the Federal Reserve, and scored some major points with her. She had never heard about the Fed before and was very interested. The second caller presented the 12 point plan, and I ridiculed it as more big government BS, and that if Newt was serious about fixing the federal government, he'd talk about cutting it down to its Constitutional limits.

I wish they'd call again; dressing down Newt is very cathartic.


Good job.