View Full Version : ** S.604 Cosponsor Call-a-thon Target: Robert Bennett (R-UT)

06-11-2009, 09:35 PM
Now that Jim DeMint has cosponsored S.604, the Senate's version of HR1207, we are targeting other members of the Senate Banking committee. It has been determined that Robert Bennett will be the next target.

From ShellyRoche via Twitter:

Next S 604 Call-A-Thon Target: Robert Bennett 202.224.5444 (on S. Banking Comm) http://bit.ly/yllqR

So please join us in contacting Senator Robert Bennett and request he sign on as a cosponsor for S.604.

Let's keep the momentum rolling!

Please Keep this bumped for Friday calls!! THANKS!


06-11-2009, 09:48 PM
bump so its near the top in the morning!

06-11-2009, 09:59 PM
Anyone wanna compose a good letter and I will hand deliver to his Utah office.

06-11-2009, 10:06 PM
Bump + call

06-11-2009, 10:08 PM
I once had a good one I wrote to a republican senator I'll see if I can find it

06-11-2009, 10:57 PM
Also, it appears they are trying to get Jim DeMint and Ron Paul for interviews on Brian and The Judge this morning regarding the HR1207 news and DeMint cosponsoring S.604


06-11-2009, 11:00 PM
I massively expanded an editorial I wrote a few weeks back for a local paper for your letter. It purposefully doesn't condemn the Federal Reserve's original purpose and includes lots of trigger words. Enjoy UtahApocalypse!

The Federal Reserve traditionally influences our monetary policy by controlling certain interest rates. However, with the economic crisis it has been given massive emergency powers. For example, it may collaborate with foreign banks to manipulate currencies. This has occurred often lately, but the startling fact is that these powers can be used without waiting for public comment.

The Freedom of Information Act is moot here. Bloomberg News tried to gain information about individual rescues of banks that were made unilaterally by the Federal Reserve worth TWO TRILLION DOLLARS. The Federal Reserve declined this request, citing a fear that people may not invest in companies that received rescue money.

Of course, I don’t think I want to invest in a bank that required federal funds to stay afloat. However, in the eyes of our central bank my financial well-being doesn’t matter. Instead, the Federal Reserve has subordinated the interest of the individual to preserve the Leviathan of its power.

Furthermore, the Federal Reserve has engaged in questionable activity. There have been hearings today on Capitol Hill pertaining to possible coercion by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke upon Bank of America to merge with Merrill Lynch under President Bush. More fundamentally, the power of the Federal Reserve to inject money into our economy first benefits government before the people. As the new money inevitably increases prices, only government may act with commensurate new funds. It is a type inflation tax, one that is despicable as it entrenches an oppressive elite against the people.

We have the perfect opportunity to define ourselves as true fiscal conservatives. The Federal Reserve’s growing power must be checked. Conservatism opposes bureaucratic secrecy and corruption. Yet today, this is exactly what our central bank embodies.

President Obama has made a mockery of his promises for transparency in government as he allowed the latest budget to be filled with pork barrel spending. Furthermore, lobbyists continue to wage war on Capitol Hill, including today on health care proposals. It is time for conservative Republicans to hold our President to his promises.

Today, the GAO has practically no authority to audit the Federal Reserve’s international and emergency activities. However, we have an alternative. Republican US Representative Ron Paul and Independent Senator Bernie Sanders have introduced legislation to expand the authority of the GAO to audit our central bank. In the House, a majority, including House Minority Leader John Boehner, has already cosponsored HR 1207. In addition, Chairman of the House Finances Committee Barney Frank has promised a hearing for this crucial bipartisan legislation.

This leaves S 604 in the Senate, where we the people need your help. Currently, only Bernie Sanders and Republican Jim DeMint have signed onboard. It is crucial more cosponsors are found for this legislation to audit the Federal Reserve. I urge you to cosponsor S 604 and fight for a transparent financial system.

In Liberty, XXX

06-12-2009, 06:10 AM
Bob Bennett is a douche, the only hope we have of him doing the right thing is he is coming up for re-election. I'll call both him and Hatch, but I don't expect either of them to step up.

06-12-2009, 09:47 AM
Bob Bennett is a douche, the only hope we have of him doing the right thing is he is coming up for re-election.

You just described 99% or so of Congress.

And you are right, the best motivator for these types is the fear of not being re-elected.

He Who Pawns
06-12-2009, 10:07 AM
From ShellyRoche via Twitter:

Next S 604 Call-A-Thon Target: Robert Bennett 202.224.5444 (on S. Banking Comm) http://bit.ly/yllqR

So please join us in contacting Senator Robert Bennett and request he sign on as a cosponsor for S.604.

Let's keep the momentum rolling!

Shelly is so cute that anything she says, I will do. :D

Let's keep the pressure up!!

06-12-2009, 10:26 AM
Just called..... no line, no waiting: GET ON THE PHONES PEOPLE!!!

Robert Bennett 202.224.5444