View Full Version : This is serious!! Like move to Europe - serious.

09-21-2007, 01:50 AM
Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

It is too long to paste here. PLEASE READ THE ABOVE LINK!
This is a condensed version of Naomi Wolf's The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot

My only question deals with how will this affect the dollar's fall, or IS THAT WHAT THEY WANT. The dollar's collapse will be used as the excuse for a fascist state with BUSH as the leader. From my reading I can't see the dollar lasting long enough to get Ron Paul elected.

09-21-2007, 01:54 AM
Hate to break it to you - Europe ain't no freedom-loving refuge. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to mention anywhere in the world truly free.

09-21-2007, 01:56 AM
Move to Europe? Hmm...

How about we just take back our country?

Lord Xar
09-21-2007, 02:00 AM
Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

It is too long to paste here. PLEASE READ THE ABOVE LINK!
This is a condensed version of Naomi Wolf's The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot

My only question deals with how will this affect the dollar's fall, or IS THAT WHAT THEY WANT. The dollar's collapse will be used as the excuse for a fascist state with BUSH as the leader. From my reading I can't see the dollar lasting long enough to get Ron Paul elected.

actually, I read something similiar that he COLLAPSE OF THE DOLLAR IS ACTUALLY INTENDED to then justify the economic benefits of the North American Union.

So, I would say yes. It is intentional. Ron Paul asked those Feds how they could Morally do what they were doing... but that is the point, they are MORALLY BANKRUPT so their plan is moving along nicely. This is ALL happening very very fast because people are waking up and before the sleeping dragon is fully awake then want to instantiate this... hasn't anyone else noticed this?

09-21-2007, 02:05 AM
hasn't anyone else noticed this?


Lord Xar
09-21-2007, 02:08 AM
Someone else mentioned that with the collapse of the dollar, they will instantiate "martial law" -- collect your guns and some have even said, collect your Gold and Silver... and if you disobey, those detention centers they are building..... well, that is where you go... is this even friggin possible..

Does anybody have ANY information on these detention centers?

09-21-2007, 02:10 AM
Seriously, read this. It's fascinating reading on the subject of fascism and how it comes about.


The dollar is being destroyed because they have no other choice, many people are grasping for logical reasons for the recent moves of the Fed because they misinterpret the current financial difficulties as a problem in the sub-prime mortgage market, rather than the beginning stages of the deflation of a liquidity bubble so large you can't get far enough away to get a good look at it.

Housing is just the most credit dependent market joe sixpack has any contact with. There was no housing bubble, there was a liquidity bubble caused by nearly a century of Fed intervention in capital markets, and exascerbated by the recent explosion of growth in structured finance and derivatives.

It's the big squeeze, the liquidity trap historians will write about for generations, and yes, it will all lead eventually to some sort of fundamental monetary reform.

This, above all else, is why we must win.

09-21-2007, 02:12 AM
Someone else mentioned that with the collapse of the dollar, they will instantiate "martial law" -- collect your guns and some have even said, collect your Gold and Silver... and if you disobey, those detention centers they are building..... well, that is where you go... is this even friggin possible..

Does anybody have ANY information on these detention centers?

Are you on myspace? I have saved a html bulletin in text format with locations of every single one.

09-21-2007, 02:16 AM
And moving to Europe isn't going to solve anything. You won't escape what the globalists have in mind for the world. Better to fortify yourself where you have a lot more rights than anywhere else. Don't be a sissy and run away! Serve your country and defend the ideals of liberty!

United States of America = Most heavily armed industrial nation. 9 guns for every 10 people. :D

09-21-2007, 02:47 AM
Btw, Europe already has a Union and a standard currency. The Euro mean anything to ya? lol

I hear there is new land available in the polar ice cap area.

09-21-2007, 03:36 AM
People are already really angry about the EU in Europe, espiacally Austrians. Politicians are still fans of it...
But is in no way as bad as in America (maybe England :) ). When i saw Meyer getting tazered, i thought "Fascism". I don't think most Americans can understand how shocking this video was for me, because they seem to be used to police brutality. Getting assaulted and tortued because you speak out and maybe behave inappropriately?
I always wondered how Americans could accept detention camps. But i think you never had a dicatorship, you don't know how it looks like and how it sneaks behind your back.
I fear Americans won't stand up when the first American citicens will imprisoned in this camps, when more detention camps have to be build IN America.
People think when martial law will be declared there will be big riots and an overthrow of the government. I think there won't be much critcal people left to rise up.
Sorry to be that harsh, i'm trying to give you the european (historical) view.
Of course you will be always welcome in Vienna or elsewhere in Europe :)

09-21-2007, 03:46 AM
Btw, Europe already has a Union and a standard currency. The Euro mean anything to ya? lol

I hear there is new land available in the polar ice cap area.

I was suggesting moving away to indicate how serious this is, your right EU was a nutty suggestion. I wasn't thinking of that when I typed it. As long as Chavez is in power, I might move there. I like some of his ideas. :)

I think there are only four options available to us.

1. Mass histerical demostrations for the cause of freedom(not food).
2. Elect Ron Paul as President
3. Armed Conflict
4. Run like a yellow belly chicken

09-21-2007, 05:58 AM
We need to Digg the crap out of this. I'm going to organize a Digg campaign later today.

09-21-2007, 06:14 AM
As long as Chavez is in power, I might move there. I like some of his ideas. :)

Are you fucking kidding me? You're going to run from America to VENEZUELA? You like his IDEAS?!?! Only thing he's said that's good is we need to have self-determination and stop letting America run us. The rest of it is socialistic-fascist state supremacy. He's talking about nationalizing private schools if they don't teach his curriculum, he's already nationalized the only dissenting voice on TV, and your average free-thinking Venezuelan is constantly talking about how much freedom they lose on a daily basis. I hope this statement was made in ignorance.

I'd suggest Costa Rica (no military), Switzerland (centuries of neutrality... well at least 2), or some other small, insignificant country with no strong ties to America. I'm in Japan right now, and if TSHTF in America, I think it won't be safe here for me. I think I'll definitely have to learn a new language and GTFO.

09-21-2007, 06:33 AM
Are you fucking kidding me? You're going to run from America to VENEZUELA? You like his IDEAS?!?! Only thing he's said that's good is we need to have self-determination and stop letting America run us. The rest of it is socialistic-fascist state supremacy. He's talking about nationalizing private schools if they don't teach his curriculum, he's already nationalized the only dissenting voice on TV, and your average free-thinking Venezuelan is constantly talking about how much freedom they lose on a daily basis. I hope this statement was made in ignorance.

This link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm) might help you.

09-21-2007, 06:39 AM
Good news -- this book is #10 on Amazon right now.

The best way to fight the Cheney/Bush plans for a fascist techno-police state is to make people aware of it. Naomi Wolf goes on my "real patriot" list for getting the word out, and she's well-known so this legitimizes the very real dangers.

09-21-2007, 06:41 AM
This link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm) might help you.

Did you read your link there, buddy? Let me help ya with it:

Because it is vocally oriented, sarcasm can be difficult to grasp in written form and is easily misinterpreted. To prevent this some people emphasize words with italics, bold, capitalization, and/or underlining (e.g. that’s just great); sarcastic comments on the Internet with an emoticon; or surround them with a made-up markup language tag, e.g. *sarcasm*, <sarcasm> or <snicker>.

Sarcasm on the Internet is mental masturbation... you do it in private and only you get off on it.

09-21-2007, 06:43 AM
The list can be spun - with even more justice - to apply to every single European country.

Let's take Britain.

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

War on Terror, anybody?

2. Create a gulag

If Guantanamo, with it's 200 prisoners or so, qualified as a Gulag, then certainly so does Britain's treatment of ASBO violators, 'extremists', etc'. Also think of Philip Arthur Luty.

3. Develop a thug caste

SO-19 and various other police units.

4. Set up an internal surveillance system

Britain is the most surveilled nation in the civilized world.

5. Harass citizens' groups

Observe the treatment, in the UK, of various 'extremists' and anti-EU parties.

6.6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release


7. Target key individuals

Again look at the selective media and police targeting of UKIP and BNP membership and leadership.

8. Control the press

Business regulations, campaign finance laws far more stringenth then those of America, and of course the public television.

10. Suspend the rule of law

Look up Enabling Acts and other cute stuff.

09-21-2007, 06:52 AM
Smaller Countries and populations can thrive in a more "socialistic" type environment. Communities, ie., States or Counties can co-op their efforts and resources more efficiently when people are DIRECTLY involved in decision making and they know their neighbors. Ron Paul understands this. He also understands that America must be dismantled top down. From the bottom up.

09-21-2007, 07:51 AM
Hate to break it to you - Europe ain't no freedom-loving refuge. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to mention anywhere in the world truly free.


From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctica

"As the only uninhabited continent, Antarctica has no government and belongs to no country. Various countries claim areas of it, although as a rule, no other countries recognize such claims. The area between 90°W and 150°W is the only part of Antarctica, indeed the only solid land on Earth, not claimed by any country.[3]

Since 1959, claims on Antarctica have been suspended and the continent is considered politically neutral. Its status is regulated by the 1959 Antarctic Treaty and other related agreements, collectively called the Antarctic Treaty System. For the purposes of the Treaty System, Antarctica is defined as all land and ice shelves south of 60°S. The treaty was signed by twelve countries, including the Soviet Union (and later Russia), the United Kingdom, Argentina and the United States. It set aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, established freedom of scientific investigation, environmental protection, and banned military activity on that continent. This was the first arms control agreement established during the Cold War.

The Antarctic Treaty prohibits any military activity in Antarctica, such as the establishment of military bases and fortifications, the carrying out of military manoeuvers, or the testing of any type of weapon. Military personnel or equipment are permitted only for scientific research or for other peaceful purposes.[30] The only documented land military manoeuvre was Operation NINETY, undertaken by the Argentine military.[31]

The United States military issues the Antarctica Service Medal to military members or civilians who perform research duty in Antarctica. The medal includes a "wintered over" bar issued to those who remain on the continent for two complete six-month seasons.[32]"

If you want to live in a truly free area, you could go to that slice of antarctica where there are no claims at all 90W to 150W
Could even start your own libertarian state there LOL.


09-21-2007, 08:05 AM
Someone else mentioned that with the collapse of the dollar, they will instantiate "martial law" -- collect your guns and some have even said, collect your Gold and Silver... and if you disobey, those detention centers they are building..... well, that is where you go... is this even friggin possible..

Does anybody have ANY information on these detention centers?

Busted comp with my bookmarks!:(



Post your findings here...

09-21-2007, 08:23 AM
Move to Europe? Hmm...

How about we just take back our country?

welllllll it isn't that easy.
Ron Paul is our only hope and they will at all cost stop that.
What happens when he doesnt win the primaries?

I hope he runs 3rd party because I am putting soooo much time and effort into this.
And he would really let me down if he didnt run 3rd party.

09-21-2007, 08:29 AM
Naomi Wolf was on the Colbert Report last night delineating all her points with examples. In other words, saying to the general public what we've been saying all along.

It's GREAT that someone from their 'club' - the MSM literary world - has woken up and is telling truth. Hopefully she'll appeal to a wider audience than, say, Alex Jones does (nothing against AJ - he's great but he's not everyone's cup of tea).

I was shocked as I watched her last night - shocked, awed, and HAPPY. Hopefully her book does well and doesn't get buried by a new OJ book.

09-21-2007, 09:30 AM
Hey... what's all this about running to Europe? Maybe it's my Texas upbringing... I dunno... but I'm more of a fighter than a runner.

Anybody remember "Come and Take It" from the battle flag over Gonzales? Anybody remember the Alamo? Make a stand. Never back down. Even if you fail - your courage will give your fellow patriots the strength and determination to go on. And that is how we will WIN.

Our fight NOW is to get Ron Paul elected. Start the long process of making changes WITHIN the system so that armed resistance AGAINST the system is never necessary.

Even if we fail, our fight will give others the determination to go on and WIN....

09-21-2007, 09:37 AM
Hey... what's all this about running to Europe? Maybe it's my Texas upbringing... I dunno... but I'm more of a fighter than a runner.

Anybody remember "Come and Take It" from the battle flag over Gonzales? Anybody remember the Alamo? Make a stand. Never back down. Even if you fail - your courage will give your fellow patriots the strength and determination to go on. And that is how we will WIN.

Our fight NOW is to get Ron Paul elected. Start the long process of making changes WITHIN the system so that armed resistance AGAINST the system is never necessary.

Even if we fail, our fight will give others the determination to go on and WIN....


09-21-2007, 09:49 AM
Syren123, Couldn't agree with you more. Her 10 indicators of the implementation of a facist state supported with historical background are easily digested by the masses. She (the authour) scrubs up nicely and that will get her heaps of coverage. The tide is turning.

09-21-2007, 05:02 PM
Move to Europe?? Are you nuts?! They got it worse over there. They've already achieved the EU. If you want freedom, you should look elsewhere.

11-28-2007, 04:41 PM
Maybe move to Iceland lol.

Seriously for now though we have this chance to still make a change within the system so that is what I'm working towards in the mean time before considering more drastic actions.

11-28-2007, 04:47 PM
I went to school with Cubans who left during the brain drain. The lessons they taught me about getting out will stay with me until I die.


I'll save you the trouble of doing all the research. Just head to the section on Panama. It's WAY more American than America.