View Full Version : Just a Thought= Constitutional Admendment at the States

05-20-2009, 09:27 PM
Now, I know that many would like to see the IRS stricken from the Constitution--but I was thinking, "What would be an easy-to-pass Constitutional Amendment that the States could at least agree to?"

Here is my proposal

So why not have a Constitutional Amendment that says "the U.S. Congress must pass a balanced budget based on the previous years revenues" or something towards that effect in more legal terminology?

I think a less aggressive amendment would be easier to pass because it is for a simple logical monetary policy. It's like HR 1207: understandable why it should be done, but not drastic so as to let people get used to the idea.

Hey, if this is a good idea, why don't we get the TEA to join in on it? (Since they love our ideas anyways, i.e., the tea parties).

05-20-2009, 09:33 PM
If not for the fact that you cannot limit what is done in a Constitutional Convention, this would probably look like a good idea.