View Full Version : Interesting-Amazing a must read..Congressional Record of the 76th congress

05-13-2009, 06:17 PM
Interesting-Amazing a must read..Congressional Record of the 76th congress


Found at:
h ttp://thetru thnews.info/Favorite_links.html

"These organizations were organized to bring about a British union, a union in which the United States would again become a part of the British Empire. However, this has been upset to some extent by the attempt of the internationalists to establish their own government as an International or world union. And there is, therefore, a conflict between the two, for England wants a British union, with America as a colony, and the international money changers want a Jewish controlled union, in order to establish their own world government"

05-13-2009, 09:56 PM
the quote is from here (http://thetruthnews.info/USCongressionalRecord1940.pdf) for those like me who were wondering

05-13-2009, 11:16 PM
If that is real that is pretty amazing. The racism of the times isn't hidden in the slightest. Pages and pages go on about the Jewish conspiracy. Wonderful quotes:

"The effect of even a slight mixture of Jewish blood in an Aryan family is often great."

"One Chink or Negro or even Jew ancestor a long way back will undo your Anglo-Saxon composition."

"Their outward conformity to the Catholic church, together with their accumulation of wealth, enabled them to penetrate by marriage to such an extent into the most exalted families in the land that it became difficult to find an aristocratic family in Aragon or in Castile which was not contaminated with the foul stream of Jewish blood."

And then lists of people in power or related to people in power that have Jewish blood, as if some crime was committed.

Amazing rants full of racist nonsense. It says more about the time period than anything. Luckily, society for the most part has gotten beyond such absurd racism as was the norm back then. It is kind of scary to see it in the congressional record. Hopefully in another fifty years people will look back in amazement at our congressional records and be shocked to see all the nonsense we argue about these days.