View Full Version : Had a Visit from the Census Nazis today.

05-06-2009, 05:00 PM
I WISH I was home. I wasn't. My husband has been out of town, just got in Friday, and I've been getting him caught up on what's been going on legislation etc... wise. I completely forgot to tell him about the census nazis. They knocked on the door and handed him some 1/2 sheet of paper "Your Answers are Confidential"... etc..... It states you are "required by law to provide the information requested" and some other stuff. It was of course in Spanish :) (and English). They didn't ask anything. Just handed him the paper with the little GPS in their hands. I have been WAITING for these folks and it just figures I was out. I had a whole speech prepared :)

05-06-2009, 05:10 PM
I WISH I was home. I wasn't. My husband has been out of town, just got in Friday, and I've been getting him caught up on what's been going on legislation etc... wise. I completely forgot to tell him about the census nazis. They knocked on the door and handed him some 1/2 sheet of paper "Your Answers are Confidential"... etc..... It states you are "required by law to provide the information requested" and some other stuff. It was of course in Spanish :) (and English). They didn't ask anything. Just handed him the paper with the little GPS in their hands. I have been WAITING for these folks and it just figures I was out. I had a whole speech prepared :)

Honestly, that sucks. Damn I hate it when I prepare for something like that and then it turns into a non-event.
If it makes you feel better you can vent your speech here.;):)

05-06-2009, 05:16 PM
LOL. I just may do that, when I calm down. I saw the form on the counter and I screamed, "DONT TELL ME THE CENSUS PEOPLE WERE HERE AND YOU LET THEM IN?" My husband looked at me as if I'd gone completely insane.

05-06-2009, 05:18 PM
Funny, I just saw my census person today, but all he did was walk up to the doors on the street and not knock... guess he was just GPSing