View Full Version : H.R. 1207: What will it achieve?

04-29-2009, 07:46 PM
Okay, I'm not too sure on what exactly an audit is, so maybe that's where I should start. But I'm just wondering what exactly an audit of the Federal Reserve will do and will it get us closer to ending the Fed?

Why not just propose legislation to get rid of it instead of auditing it? Unless auditing will do some pretty damning stuff against it?

04-29-2009, 07:53 PM
Paul has tried plenty of times to get rid of it.

The goal of the audit is to get people angry and upset so they can see why we need to get rid of it.

One step at a time.

04-29-2009, 07:58 PM
The reason for the Audit is to see where our money has went/ is going.

Congress gave the Fed unparalleled power to do with our money what it chooses. They have been so bold as to tell us they WON'T tell us to whom they've given our money.

In my opinion, the only reason why you wouldn't want to know where our money is or has been is that you don't contribute any of that money, and are only on the receiving end.

I don't make much, but I damn sure wanna know where my withholdings have been dealt.

And once you have that transparency, I'd be willing to bet that you are going to see a scheme that has taken almost 200 years to fulfill, and it's going to cause people to call for heads on stakes.

It's the only way to make people see that the government is not your friend, and it is certainly not here to help you.

04-29-2009, 07:59 PM
The reason for the Audit is to see where our money has went/ is going.

Congress gave the Fed unparalleled power to do with our money what it chooses. They have been so bold as to tell us they WON'T tell us to whom they've given our money.

In my opinion, the only reason why you wouldn't want to know where our money is or has been is that you don't contribute any of that money, and are only on the receiving end.

I don't make much, but I damn sure wanna know where my withholdings have been dealt.

And once you have that transparency, I'd be willing to bet that you are going to see a scheme that has taken almost 200 years to fulfill, and it's going to cause people to call for heads on stakes.

It's the only way to make people see that the government is not your friend, and it is certainly not here to help you.

+Spirit of 1776

04-29-2009, 08:02 PM
what if the Fed doesn't keep records??:)
or what if they destroy records?? all this is possible

04-29-2009, 08:05 PM
what if the Fed doesn't keep records??:)
or what if they destroy records?? all this is possible

then we will know.
we can tell everyone they blew all your money, and have no record of it.

04-29-2009, 08:07 PM
Finding out what they did with all of our gold might be very interesting...

04-29-2009, 08:21 PM
then we will know.
we can tell everyone they blew all your money, and have no record of it.
just thinking about it only brings back memories of the Clinton whitewater whitewash

04-29-2009, 08:27 PM
Because it's so much easier to pass an audit bill. Politicians can make up all kinds of confusing economic crap about keeping the Fed, but asking for an audit is a seemingly small thing and there's no way to come up with a real reason to oppose it. It's so simple even an idiot can understand the concept of an audit and finding out where our money is going, too simple for politicians to confuse people. Then when the audit is done and the shit hits the fan, and people are bitching about the stolen money, their economic bullshit will be drowned out by the angry screams of the pissed off, disenfranchised masses.

04-29-2009, 09:48 PM
Thanks for the replies. Definitely makes much more sense.

One more question though. Who's to say that the people who end up "auditing" it don't make things up or whitewash it to make it not seem so bad? Unless you have a bunch of Austrian economic-thinking types doing the audit, I"m willing to bet that things will be covered up. They're all in this together and they'll find a way to make it not seem like a big deal.

04-29-2009, 10:19 PM
Thanks for the replies. Definitely makes much more sense.

One more question though. Who's to say that the people who end up "auditing" it don't make things up or whitewash it to make it not seem so bad? Unless you have a bunch of Austrian economic-thinking types doing the audit, I"m willing to bet that things will be covered up. They're all in this together and they'll find a way to make it not seem like a big deal.

Well, they still seem to be worried about it, because Bernanke is opposing it. If you can just cover it up, or if you have nothing to hide, why oppose it? They should be saying, "yes audit us, so we can show how well we are handling things."

04-29-2009, 10:34 PM
...I"m willing to bet that things will be covered up. They're all in this together and they'll find a way to make it not seem like a big deal.

Yep, they'll say, "...in conclusion, the problem's solved. Now move along, nuthin' to see here folks, Ron Paul was wrong", etc.

Then they'll make up a new federal "Thank-a-Banker" holiday that falls on the Monday nearest the day/week/month that the investigation concluded on.

05-03-2009, 07:43 PM
If you can just cover it up, or if you have nothing to hide, why oppose it? They should be saying, "yes audit us, so we can show how well we are handling things."

This is the crux of the dilemma, and what we have to use against them.

They do this to us, through the IRS, and the authorities also do this. They say if you have nothing to hide, why won't you let us look around? Why won't you answer the questions?

Turnabout is fair play.