View Full Version : Liberty Ride - NJ - May 24th

04-28-2009, 12:18 PM
I'm looking for people interested in being a part of my next bike ride. The bulk of the help I need is easy, basically the networking, research, promotion kind of participation we are used to.

Here is an explanatory section from the website being developed...

The goals are:

to pedal 4200 miles spreading the message of liberty (57 in NJ)
To see that book/dvd sets are delivered to officials in every county (5 in NJ)
To meet a suppporter in every county

I want to meet and connect a string of supporters across this great country. At least one supporter, from each county, willing to help connect me with their local sheriff and county executive, willing to meet me on the side of the road for an interview for the blog and to help me make sure the books I plan on spreading are given to the right hands. I need help finding those supporters. This exercise will help all involved down the road, in multiple ways

I want to deliver to each county executive:

Ron Paul Book - Revolution: A Manifesto
Dr. Vieira Book or DVD – Constitutional Homeland Security, or Power of Purse Speech
Tom Woods – Meltdown

And to each county sheriff:

Ron Paul Book - Revolution: A Manifesto

Dr. Vieira Book or DVD – Constitutional Homeland Security, or Power of Purse Speech
Sheriff Mack – The County Sheriff – America’s Last Hope

And, as on all of the trips, I want to deliver national and state specific “slimjims” all along the route. Depending on support, I’d like to handout Pocket Constitutions and Freedom to Fascism DVDs, as well

Again, this is a monumental task, but becomes much, much easier by spreading the load, (which spreads the roots). We already have people beginning to research the necessary info. If we can find one supporter from the 94 counties on the route, the effectiveness and ease of this trip will be multiplied.

We already have people in place for much of the social networking promotion aspects. I want to just have to upload to one place on this trip, and have blogs featured on all the online r3VOLution venues. I want that one upload spot to be Ron Paul Forums: The crucible of r3VOLution. We already have members of Daily Paul, Break the Matrix, Restore the Republic, Facebook and, Myspace on board to transfer/tweak the primary feed for their own venues.

We have a WordPress site. The url, http://rideforhonesty.com will be on the sign on the back of my bike. give.me.liberty and shemdogg are helping in NJ. I have tentative county reps in two counties

Essex Edger
Union -Nikki/Shem/Jeff
Bucks PA

The NJ map is here


We are organizing organically on multiple venues. We have most states started. I hope to use RPFs as the primary "venue" for this event. Facebook is also available for use. The NJ specific group is: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=69881241246 . The master group is: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=80470332550 .

From "voices of support", to "bookdrops" - All who participate will be part of the team. I'll just be doing the grueling stuff, so you don't have to...


Be a part of it!


04-28-2009, 09:09 PM
bump. I'll do whatever I can.

04-28-2009, 09:49 PM
sure thing!!

see the kind of face to face interaction ronpaulhawaii (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/member.php?u=1425) is talkingabout:

YouTube - Great American Walk 4 Freedom Leaves Green Bay, WI 8/11/08 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6mWcD9wSYk&feature=player_embedded)

04-28-2009, 11:04 PM
Shem and I won't let you down :D

04-28-2009, 11:12 PM
you have my number, let me know if you need anything specifically... remember i don't have transportation, but anything i can do from home i will certainly do

04-29-2009, 05:51 AM
Thanks everyone :)

We need help filling in supporters for the counties.

I'll start with enough books to make it to Trenton. Will need maildrop there.

Who is in Hudson?

Roxie, you may be the perfect candidate for the wordpress team. I am just going to upload to youtube and here. We need someone to take what I post here and make a daily update for the rideforhonesty site. It'll be easy, just one less thing for me to worry about :)

The NJ facebook group is here.

On it we have contact info being collected. We could use a summary of the data (for all counties in a new thread here).

Thanks again all :)