View Full Version : Obama Same As Bush - Detailed List

04-27-2009, 08:22 PM
For your Obama AND Bush fan friends, feel free to copy and send, and suggest additions.

Foreign Policy

Iraq. Under Bush, Iraq confirmed they wanted the U.S. out. Under Obama, U.S. troops continue to be killed and wounded. Thousands of non-combat troops will stay.

Afghanistan - Obama has "surged" Bush's war in Afghanistan.

Pakistan - Obama continues Bushes policies of pre-emptive strikes by air striking Pakistan several times so far, killing Taliban and innocent civilians.

Saudi Arabia - Obama bowed to the king, Bush kissed him and held his hand.

Israel - Obama continues to send weapons and billions in aid to keep Israel armed and a threat to middle east peace.

China - Bush said and Obama is saying please keep buying our treasuries.

Gitmo - Prisoners remain there after being "closed". Abu Ghraib - Reports are conditions may have worsened.

Economic Policy

Economic stimulus - Both put out deficit increasing economic "stimulus" plans.

Federal Reserve Banking Cartel - Both support Bernanke and inflationary policies.

National deficit - Both have/are increasing it exponentially

Domestic Policy

Education - Both are using failed No Child Left Behind has the key feature of federal intervention.

Corporate banker bailouts - Both support and are implementing TARP

Energy - Both continue American citizen reliance on $700B/day in foreign oil.

Patriot Act - Obama continues the support of Patriot Act, wiretapping U.S. Citizens, FISA, and excusing telecoms for this unconstitutional activity.

Faith based initiatives - Obama has expanded the faith-based office, now renamed the Council for Faith-based and Community Partnerships

Gun control - Obama supports a ban on "assault" weapons, so did President Bush. (They have defined "Assault" as a gun that shoots one bullet for one trigger pull, same as a hunting rifle, but looks scarier)

Transparency and legislation - Bills continue not to be read by Congress before being voted on. (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Healthcare Bill)

Signing statements - continued

Lobbyists working in the Whitehouse - continued

Cabinet - Obama continues Bushes policy of appointing longtime washington insider criminals. In Obama's case, it's tax evaders: Dachle, Killifer, Solis, Kirk Siebulus, Geithner. Secretary of War - same.

Goldman Sachs insiders - both used them: Paulson and Geithner

CIA: Obama White House has authorized the CIA to kill a United States citizen, al-Alwaki. Bush had the Joint Chiefs of Staff compile "hit lists" of Americans.

There are a couple of differences, Obama is smarter than Bush, so will be able to grow the federal government much quicker. And the media loves Obama.

04-27-2009, 08:26 PM
wow. We should all copy this and send it to our democrat friends (if you have any).

Time for Change
04-27-2009, 08:29 PM
You should point out that any weapon capable of chambering a second round after the first is fired is considered an assault weapon in they eyes of Holder / Osama et al; Therefore, making every weapon of such capability a candidate for a ban.
Quite simply put...a ban on all but the most primitive firearms.

Join The Paul Side
04-28-2009, 12:35 AM
I'm stealing this to post on Newsvine for the Obama-Bots. Just letting you know in advanced. I will list you as the author. :)

04-28-2009, 05:02 AM
I should make up a report card for distribution.... CNN is doing one, we might as well set them straight.

04-28-2009, 05:27 AM
Voting for FISA when he said he wouldn't. Not only supporting the Patriotic Act but extended and expaned it to include there would not be any recourse against telecommunication companies and the Federal government as well, unless the information gathered is used against you. It likes saying if I steal your money I'm not accountable unless I spend it.

04-28-2009, 06:19 AM
A great list, a great service, and we need to expand it.

I have one correction--Dubya regularly kisses his old family friend the crown prince.

Both have also broken promises on the subject of imperialism (and many others). Remember 'no nation building'?

04-28-2009, 07:11 AM
You should point out that any weapon capable of chambering a second round after the first is fired is considered an assault weapon in they eyes of Holder / Osama et al; Therefore, making every weapon of such capability a candidate for a ban.
Quite simply put...a ban on all but the most primitive firearms.

Thanks, added

04-28-2009, 07:12 AM
A great list, a great service, and we need to expand it.

I have one correction--Dubya regularly kisses his old family friend the crown prince.

Thanks, added

04-28-2009, 07:43 AM
The only difference is that the media can't stop gushing about how awesome Obama is.

04-28-2009, 07:48 AM
Just for the record, the United States Federal Government doesn't rely on foreign oil. The American people do. The government just takes our money and uses it to prop up US-friendly governments in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq to ensure that the oil keeps flowing.

04-28-2009, 08:17 AM
I'd like to see this as a table, with little green checkmarks and X's in Bush and Obama columns.

04-28-2009, 08:27 AM
Just for the record, the United States Federal Government doesn't rely on foreign oil. The American people do. The government just takes our money and uses it to prop up US-friendly governments in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq to ensure that the oil keeps flowing.


04-08-2010, 08:31 AM
CIA: Obama White House has authorized the CIA to kill a United States citizen, al-Alwaki. Bush had the Joint Chiefs of Staff compile "hit lists" of Americans.

04-08-2010, 12:29 PM
Both gates as secretary of defense, both bernanke as Fed chairman, and geithner and paulson both goldman sachs.

04-14-2010, 01:25 PM
Below is what I just sent to some of my Obama supporting friends. I'm curious to see what I might get back in a response. While I don't think there is much new here, I did try and include links to support the claims. I welcome the OP to add some links as well if time permits. I tried to use liberal sources when readily available since this was geared towards Obama supporters.

When does one admit to backing the wrong horse?

For those who thought war with Iraq was bad...
Obama - continues war efforts including the bombing of hundreds of innocent civilians in Pakistan
McCain - likely would have done as Obama
Ron Paul - would have brought our troops home

For those who though the Patriot Act was a heinous violation of civil liberties...
Obama - reauthorized the Patriot Act
McCain - also supported reauthorization
Ron Paul - voted against Patriot Act reauthorization and would have vetoed it

For those objecting to holding US and non-US citizens without trial or accusation under the Bush Administration...
Obama - administration reserves the "right" to carry out assassinations of American citizens far away from any battlefield without trial.
McCain - Undoubtedly would not differ.
Ron Paul - would insist upon Habeas Corpus

For those who doubted Bush's approach to the financial crisis...
Obama - reappointed Ben Bernanke as FED Chairman, continues policy of propping up house prices as the magic cure all. ... Also, let's not forget - taxpayers paid $24,000 per clunker in a program that resulted in relatively few additional car sales.
McCain - he's too clueless to predict what he might have done
Ron Paul - understands and has been predicting the problems of undermining our dollar for years.

For those who denounced Bush's abuse of Executive power with signing statements...
Obama - irks his own party by continuing the same
McCain - claims would use veto instead
Ron Paul - consistently objected to Bush's abuse

For those who did not like Bush telling local schools what to do via NCLB...
Obama - expands NCLB with a new name
McCain - supported NCLB
Ron Paul - believes local schools know best

For those who thought the health insurance companies were ruining health care in our country...
Obama - gives us a health care plan written by health insurance companies and written for health insurance companies.

We’ve paid the ransom, but at the end of the day the insurance companies are still holding the hostages,’’ Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Mass said. “This is a very good bill for insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. It might be good for Nebraska, I don’t know. Or Florida residents. But it’s not good for the average American, and it’s not good for my district. Or for Massachusetts.”

The Times reported that even the staff members of the people who voted to pass this bill will likely lose their coverage. Except, the Times notes, staff in the leadership and committee offices in Congress. The law appears to exempt some people employed by Congress' most powerful members.
This comes after the news that the law did not extend insurance coverage to "children" as old as 26, as intended, and would be highly unlikely to reduce insurance premiums or health care costs (also reported in The New York Times after the bill passed).
We are only beginning to discover what this bill will actually do versus what its advocates claimed it would do. The more that comes out, the clearer it is that rushing such a colossal piece of legislation into law was a huge mistake.
http://www.unionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=Oops%2C+we+did+that%3F+More+ health+care+surprises&articleId=95a06f2f-35f5-460b-8bff-a4dbc185aa59
McCain - voted against it, but I don't recall him complaining about Mitt Romney's trial run of the same that is bankrupting Massachusetts.
Ron Paul - strong advocate of breaking the cozy relationship between corporations and the Federal Government and already has introduced legislation to repeal the unconstitutional mandate to force people to purchase health insurance.

- - - - -

Obama supporters campaigned against McCain with the slogan "No Third Term." It looks like Ron Paul supporters will be able to use the slogan "No Fourth Term."

Fear not ... there is hope for change!

"Pit maverick Republican Congressman Ron Paul against President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 election match-up, and the race is – virtually dead even."

04-14-2010, 01:32 PM
dang it ... I forgot about how mad the left was that we had to take off our shoes to fly ... now we digitally strip search our children.

The No Fly List could be included too.

04-14-2010, 01:35 PM
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

The criticisms of G.W. Bush were many: He started illegal and wasteful wars, he was a repeated violator of civil liberties, he manipulated the American public's emotional response of fear in order to achieve his objectives, he subsidized and favored corporations over the needs of the people.

These criticisms were and remain accurate, and during his tenure a large faction of the American public vehemently and sometimes violently opposed and protested the actions of their government, a government many felt no longer served their interests, and was causing more harm than good.

Then, with the election of Barack Obama many felt hope that something would change. How could they not? The media proclaimed that this was an election about change. One couldn't turn one's head without seeing the words over and over and over : "BELIEVE" "CHANGE" "HOPE"...

Suddenly and like magic the public anger dissipated. Anti-war protests once numbering in the tens, if not hundreds of thousands disappeared. Shame and rage transformed to pride and tranquility. The people believed that change had occured.

Has it? You decide. (Friendly tip from your ranter---> Click the links for more information :)

Barack Obama is increasing the US presence in Iraq (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/09/07/AR2009090702242.html) by replacing soldiers leaving for Afghanistan with even larger numbers of private military contractors. He is increasing the US miliary presence in Afghanistan (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27484.html) including 700 members of the CIA (http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-afghan-intel20-2009sep20,0,1183243.story). He is ordering drone missile attacks on villages in Pakistan. (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5575883.ece) He is threatening sanctions backed by force against Iran. (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aCaZQvB.vV4A)He is building military bases in Colombia (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8194497.stm)to counter the presumed threat from Hugo Chavez. And the US once again leads in foreign weapon sales. (http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE5851XH20090906)

He is calling on Congress to reauthorize the Patriot Act (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/20/us/politics/20patriot.html?hpw), the act for which as a senator he originally voted YEA. (http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=109&session=2&vote=00029) He is continuing the policy of indefinite detention without charge or trial (http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g14aylR2vQjkQhREgNyLjht1dDGw). He is allowing the policy of "anti-terror" rendition to continue. (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/barackobama/4425135/Barack-Obama-to-allow-anti-terror-rendition-to-continue.html)His justice department is claiming "state secrets" in trials against two american lawyers (http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/09/obama-stands-behind-state-secrets-in-spy-case/) who were illegally wiretapped. And two weeks ago, "the Obama DOJ (http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2009/09/15/bagram/index.html) -- as expected -- filed a legal brief (http://www.scotusblog.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/US-Bagram-brief-9-14-09.pdf) (.pdf) which adopted the arguments originally made by the Bush DOJ to insist that detainees whom they abduct from around the world and then ship to Bagram (rather than Guantanamo) lack any constitutional rights whatsoever, including habeas review".

Just as the "Terror Alert" would move to Orange anytime Bush wanted Congress to fund his wars, as congress was debating to reauthorize the Patriot Act last week, suddenly there were terror threats everywhere: in New York (http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/men-arrested-fbi-nyc-terror-plot/story?id=8618732), in Dallas (http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSN24478598), in Virginia (http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSTRE58N6YT20090924), in Illinois. (http://www.reuters.com/article/marketsNews/idUSN2447383520090924)Suddenly Iran had a super-top-secret-nuclear- facility (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8274903.stm)-that-we've known about for years. The fear card was played once again. And once again the drums of war drone on.

There is no need to detail the billions in corporate welfare that Barack Obama has handed out-- to the banking industry, the housing industry, and the auto industry. Just know that the next two industries to gladly receive your tax dollars are the energy industry (once cap and trade is passed) and the health insurance industry (once universal care is passed). Do not worry citizen, paying more to heat and power your home so that energy companies and banks can profit from the trade of carbon credits (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123655590609066021.html) that they received for free from the government is purely in your own interest. As is being forced to purchase health insurance or face fines and jail time (http://www.politico.com/livepulse/0909/Ensign_receives_handwritten_confirmation_.html?sho wall). This is solely to protect you and will no way benefit the health insurance industry brutally forced to accept millions of new paying customers, or the pharmaceutical industry, coincidentally now spending millions promoting Obamacare. (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0809/26076.html)

Clearly there is little or no difference between the policies of G.W. Bush or B.H. Obama, just as there is little or no difference between the Democratic or the Republican parties. In fact both parties work together and support each other in their efforts to confuse the american public into believing that they have a real choice when they vote. You see this confusion in the Left's protests, against War and for the Welfare State, and the Right's protests against the Welfare State and for War. They are trapped in a false LEFT-RIGHT paradigm (http://www.lewrockwell.com/shaffer/shaffer104.html) and deliberately so. For if they were ever to wake up and discover, that no matter the party, their labor (their tax dollars) would be stolen from them to be handed over to connected elites, to build bombs and weapons of doom that kill and destroy... there might be a revolution.

For now though, the elites are safe. The American people have been pacified once again. The face has changed, the rhetoric has changed. And the WELFARE-WARFARE (http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2008/06/20/the-welfare-warfare-state/) state marches on...unnoticed.

Love to all,