View Full Version : Question: Why are we lumping HR1207 in with "End the Fed"?

04-24-2009, 01:46 PM
I was just thinking about this, and how it might be a bit of a detriment to do so.

HR1207 is all about the Fed Transparency, and auditing the Fed, NOT about ending it.

End the Fed is all about the demise of the Fed, not about auditing its records.

They are not one in the same, even though HR1207 might end up bringing about the end.

My question basically is, should we really market them as one in the same? Yes, I know it is what we all want, I just think it might work much against. Much like MSM tried to poison the waters for us, by lumping us in with 911 Truthers.

Seems pretty much everyone here always posts about them, as if they are the same. What do you guys think? :confused:

04-24-2009, 01:49 PM
I agree.

04-24-2009, 01:51 PM
Once we audit, it will be a lot easier to get rid of it since it will be a lot harder for them to deny that they are basically raping the public.

04-24-2009, 01:54 PM
Once we audit, it will be a lot easier to get rid of it since it will be a lot harder for them to deny that they are basically raping the public.

As he admitted in his OP. But I agree with him that it isn't the best way to sell it.

They've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that incrementalism works. I say we use the stuff.

Don't Tread on Mike
04-24-2009, 02:03 PM
It is a big step in the right direction. It's much easier to dismantle a federal organization with proof they are destroying our dollar and driving us deeper into this economic crises rather than just taking our word for it.

04-24-2009, 02:05 PM
I think that even Ron Paul said something about the Fed being easier to get rid of once they have an audit...

Ron Paul wants to get rid of the Fed. Period. I mean, read the title of his new book that is coming out in a few months. "END THE FED"

04-24-2009, 02:06 PM
Because we are trying to scare the sheep away from getting behind this bill.

Smart, we are.

04-24-2009, 02:13 PM
I think those lobbying Congressmen in DC should focus on the fact that 1207 is an AUDIT.

Blabbing on about "END THE FED" will likely cause them to put up a mental brick wall.

Even though our true end goal is to End the Fed, lets play politics for now and focus on the ability of Congress to Audit.

04-24-2009, 02:16 PM
I think those lobbying Congressmen in DC should focus on the fact that 1207 is an AUDIT.

Blabbing on about "END THE FED" will likely cause them to put up a mental brick wall.

Even though our true end goal is to End the Fed, lets play politics for now and focus on the ability of Congress to Audit.

Ya, but don't act like bringing an HR 1207 sign to an "End the Fed" rally is like bringing a "9/11 was an inside job" sign to a Ron Paul rally..

04-24-2009, 02:20 PM
Ya, but don't act like bringing an HR 1207 sign to an "End the Fed" rally is like bringing a "9/11 was an inside job" sign to a Ron Paul rally..

I'm not trying to imply that. I'm saying we should play politics. Don't show all your cards at once. Auditing the Fed is a very resonable idea; and surely many Congressman will be fine with it. Once the FED is audited; and the scam is public, ENDING of the FED will come naturally.

EDIT: Perhaps my usage of the word "blabbing" wasn't appropiate. I wasn't trying to criticize any of the END THE FED rallies. I was merely saying that if people are e-mailing, sending letters, or meeting their congressmen in person; they will be more effective without mentioning "END THE FED".

04-24-2009, 08:04 PM
Hey trust me, nothing in this world would make me happier, then to see the IRS go bye-bye. Lord knows I have enough of my own IRS problems, after implementing alot of Irwin Schiffs teachings. I'm still in hot water, even though no one from the IRS is willing to answer any of my questions about income tax. They are too easy to pin down, once you have the facts.

I brought this up more just to get people to think. I just dont think putting the two together is the best course of action. I believe that once the Fed begins to be audited, and we are able to shed some daylight on the IRS and the Fed and where our income taxes REALLY go, that the Fed will crumble like a house of cards. I ESPECIALLY dont think the Fed will ever actually allow themselves to be audited. I can easily see them tying this up, in the court system, for a minimum of a decade.

My point is, in order to *not* sound like a bunch of kooks, trying to bring down the government, I think whenever we discuss HR1207, we present it for what it truly is. A transparency act to audit the Federal Reserve, and nothing more. When alot of sheeple see "End the Fed", they think we want to end the Federal Government, as if we are trying to over throw the government. At that point, they think youre a kook, and stop listening to the message...