View Full Version : Good summary of Dick Armey / Newt Gingrich / 'Freedomworks' agenda in tea party event

04-23-2009, 10:26 PM
Don't trust these fakes -- they are pro-'big business'/corporate interests:

Dick Armey

Newt Gingrich



The Real Boston Tea Party was an Anti-Corporate Revolt

by Thom Hartmann

CNBC Correspondent Rick Santelli called for a "Chicago Tea Party" on Feb 19th in protesting President Obama's plan to help homeowners in trouble. Santelli's call was answered by the right-wing group FreedomWorks (http://www.freedomworks.org/), which funds campaigns promoting big business interests, and is the opposite of what the real Boston Tea Party was. FreedomWorks was funded in 2004 by Dick Armey (former Republican House Majority leader & lobbyist); consolidated Citizens for a Sound Economy, funded by the Koch family; and Empower America, a lobbying firm, that had fought against healthcare and minimum-wage efforts while hailing deregulation.

04-24-2009, 12:47 AM

04-24-2009, 01:09 AM
...funded by the Koch family; and Empower America, a lobbying firm, that had fought against healthcare and minimum-wage efforts while hailing deregulation.
Jay, I believe you and all, but since when are we for socialized medicine and wage-setting, and against deregulation? :confused:

I'm not seeing those things as bad things.

04-24-2009, 02:32 AM


04-24-2009, 02:44 AM


04-24-2009, 03:01 AM


04-24-2009, 03:17 AM


LE - bias of the author, I would guess - part of the false dichotomy. Conservatives appear to support good economic policy, but change doesn't ever happen - liberals appear to support civil liberties, but change doesn't ever happen.

I agree with you that one should support deregulation, oppose wagesetting, and oppose socialized medicine.

this clan would have those of us who are anti-income tax (for instance) support a 'fair' tax - which is just a remodeling of the system that ignores the central issue -- that taxation is inherently immoral.

04-24-2009, 05:22 AM
Jay, I believe you and all, but since when are we for socialized medicine and wage-setting, and against deregulation? :confused:

I'm not seeing those things as bad things.

i think this is the part that hes referring to:
(see bold)

The Real Boston Tea Party was an Anti-Corporate Revolt

by Thom Hartmann

CNBC Correspondent Rick Santelli called for a "Chicago Tea Party" on Feb 19th in protesting President Obama's plan to help homeowners in trouble. Santelli's call was answered by the right-wing group FreedomWorks, which funds campaigns promoting big business interests, and is the opposite of what the real Boston Tea Party was. FreedomWorks was funded in 2004 by Dick Armey (former Republican House Majority leader & lobbyist); consolidated Citizens for a Sound Economy, funded by the Koch family; and Empower America, a lobbying firm, that had fought against healthcare and minimum-wage efforts while hailing deregulation.

04-24-2009, 05:47 AM
Also be aware neocons are using the name "Freedom Watch" as a 501 . I'm sure it's to Tdeliberately blur the understanding if something is backed by the "Judge" or this unrelated 501. Google Freedom Watch.

04-24-2009, 06:09 AM


This needs some text to back it up. For example, Fouad Ajami. He attended Bilderberg; is a member of CFR. Kaplan is too? and has Verizon for his/her cell phone service or what? :p

04-24-2009, 07:49 AM


Uh, it's politics. Duh.

04-24-2009, 07:52 AM
The Real Boston Tea Party was an Anti-Corporate Revolt

by Thom Hartmann

Totally left wing liberal looking to discredit any progress back to conservative values. Stop working with them.

04-24-2009, 12:41 PM
The top level of the teaparty movement is apparently very well funded and designed to pick off our movement which they apparently see as the wave of the future and will gladly 'ride the wave' with no real change. The bottom level of the teaparty is real grassroots anger about the current system and we have an opportunity to impact and educate. Thanks for what you are doing on this thread to make people aware of the problem. It is well orchestrated at the top to look like it is grassroots but not and announce at some point who your new globalist leader is on the right so we can play political ping pong with the American people.

This us and them mentality has to stop. Middle America better unify around Constitutional principles soon . . .

Keep doing what you do so well. Telling the truth, Sticking to Principles, Holding their feet to the fire! Demand accountability for all organization including and especially your own.

Ethics demands full disclosure when an entity is for profit or when some people among us are not volunteers, but rather are paid staff. Paid staff must always be accountable to grassroots policy makers who have standing in the movement. That means seasoned, been through more than one cycle and stood the test of time!

Here is my post on the topic at hand and what we have done with Constitutional Liberty Coalition (http://clibertyc.wordpress.com) to see if we can protect the grassroots. My post on Teaparty Efforts and You (http://clibertyc.wordpress.com/2009/04/09/grassroots-teaparty-efforts-and-you/)

Audit the Fed sample flyer (http://r3publican.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/audit-the-fed-first-end-the-fed-teaparty-april-25th/)

04-24-2009, 02:24 PM
The top level of the teaparty movement is apparently very well funded and designed to pick off our movement which they apparently see as the wave of the future and will gladly 'ride the wave' with no real change. The bottom level of the teaparty is real grassroots anger about the current system and we have an opportunity to impact and educate. Thanks for what you are doing on this thread to make people aware of the problem. It is well orchestrated at the top to look like it is grassroots but not and announce at some point who your new globalist leader is on the right so we can play political ping pong with the American people.

This is what I could not put into words, thanks.

No doubt about it folks -- doesn't mean don't do good works with these orgs - it means don't trust the fakes. These organizations will be pushing for us to support 'fair tax' instead of 'no tax' for instance -- Newt for prez instead of Ron Paul for prez - etc. They put themselves in a position to pick off true grassroots movements. DON'T TRUST THE FAKES!

04-24-2009, 03:44 PM
globalist Newt Gingrich - supporter of NAFTA
FEMA supporter Dick Armey

are there any apologies in print for either of the two about selling us out on these matters?

i am not sure we can get our country back but i for sure won't put my time and treasure into efforts to promote sellouts and they are aplenty these days! don't get me wrong, globalist Gingrich is fun to listen to and Fema supporter Dick Armey is charming and for fiscal restraint, but the perilous issue before us is us being tagged and sold into slavery on the world market via fiat money and a chip in your hand (driver's license to start - then on your body).

can anyone say control our borders and let the people be free again? have we forgotten what that might look like?

we need to work with grassroots conservatives across the spectrum and see who is trustworthy and let the cream rise to the top IMO